世界 FCEV:月度報告

世界 FCEV:月度報告

Global FCEV Monthly Tracker

出版日期: 12 Issues/Year | 出版商: SNE Research | 英文

  • 全球唯一的數據庫,用於計算全球氫燃料電池汽車電池和電堆的月銷售業績。
  • 基於氫燃料電池汽車和電池在全球23個國家共130多款車型的銷售數據庫,提供市場分析報告和分析工具。


除了標準化的混合動力汽車 (HEV)、插電式混合動力汽車 (PHEV) 和電池驅動的電動汽車 (BEV) 外,還有一些電動汽車的市場已經開始開放。它是一種專注於氫燃料電池儲能的氫燃料電池汽車(FCEV)。

對於 FCEV,由於安全問題,例如需要保持氫氣安全、堆疊技術困難和基礎設施問題,預計初始市場增長將相對緩慢。

但是,FCEV 有其優勢,汽車製造商將在很多方面對開發感興趣。首先,它比現有的 BEV 具有更長的行駛里程,然後它比 BEV 具有更快的充電速度。目前市場上的現代Nexo是量產的FCEV,但只需5分鐘即可充滿電。市場增長可能比現有電動汽車慢,但預計未來將快速增長,以長途運輸的商用車(CV)市場為中心。

在今年的信息中,我們分析了全球範圍內銷售的 FCEV 數量、作為內部核心部件的電堆數量以及電池銷售數量的月度變化。通過分析燃料電池電堆系統供應商、地區、FCEV 製造商和型號銷售的 FCEV 數量,您可以查看電堆系統供應商的市場份額。此外,您可以一目瞭然地按月掌握電池供應商在燃料電池汽車中的安裝情況。


  • 全球 FCEV 銷售目標大陸和國家: 全球 7 個大陸和 23 個國家
  • 全球FCEV廠商: 共有35家FCEV廠商
  • 全球燃料電池電堆系統供應商: 共11家系統供應商
  • 全球FCEV電池供應商: 共有24家電池製造商


  • FCEV 全球銷量: 按車型、國家、大洲、OEM、型號、燃料電池堆系統供應商
  • 世界燃料電池堆單位(kw): 按型號
  • 全球FCEV電池安裝現狀: 按電池供應商、電池類型、電池化學分類


  • Excel 數據透視表報告:可用於各種數據庫分析
  • 在下個月的最後一個工作日或月初 (n + 2) 提供上個月 (n) 的結果


1. FCEV 月度銷售趨勢-類型、國家、大陸、集團、製造商 (OEM)、型號、燃料電池堆供應商

2. FCEV 車型的燃料電池堆容量(kw)

3. FCEV 每月電池安裝趨勢-電池供應商、電池類型、電池化學

Product Code: 159
  • The world's unique DB computed on the sales performance of monthly global hydrogen fuel cell vehicle batteries and stacks
  • Provides market analysis reports and analysis tools based on the sales DB of a total of more than 130 hydrogen fuel cell vehicle models and batteries in 23 countries around the world

Major countries around the world have announced major policies to reduce carbon dioxide according to climate changes. One of the key points of the policies was reducing internal combustion engine vehicles through the introduction of eco-friendly vehicles. With the global policy trend and the efforts of automakers to meet this trend, the full-scale electric vehicle (EV) market has begun to open up.

However, in addition to the hybrid electric vehicle (HEV), plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV), and pure battery electric vehicle (BEV), which are actively becoming popular, there is another electric vehicle whose market has just started to open. It is the hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) that focuses on energy storage through hydrogen fuel cells.

In the FCEV, the initial market growth relatively appears slow due to the safety aspect that hydrogen must be safely protected, the technical difficulty of the stack, and the infrastructure issues.

However, FCEV has advantages for which automakers will become interested in developing in many ways. First, it can secure longer mileage than the existing BEV. Second, its charging speed is faster than BEVs. Hyundai's Nexo, which is commercialized at present and is a mass-produced FCEV, can be charged just in 5 minutes. Although the market growth may be slower than that of existing EVs, it is expected to grow rapidly in the future, centered on the commercial vehicle (CV) market intended for long-distance transportation.

In this report, we analyzed by month the sales volume of FCEVs sold worldwide, stacks which are internal core parts, and battery sales volume trends. By analyzing FCEV sales by Fuel Cell Stack system suppliers as well as by region, by FCEV manufacturer, by model, it is possible to see market share of Stack system suppliers. It is also possible to understand at a glance by month battery suppliers' battery installation equipped to FCEV.

Research Scope

  • Targeted continents and countries for global FCEV sales: a total of 23 countries in 7 continents around the world,
  • Global FCEV manufacturer: A total of 35 FCEV manufacturers
  • Global Fuel Cell Stack system supplier : A total 11 system suppliers
  • Global FCEV battery suppliers: A total of 24 battery companies


  • Global FCEV Sales : by vehicle type, by country, by continent, by OEM, by model, by Fuel Cell Stack system supplier
  • Global Fuel Cell Stack unit (kw) : by model
  • Global Battery Installation for FCEV : by battery supplier, by battery type, by battery chemical

Provision Method

  • Excel pivot table report: Available for various database analyses
  • Provides the previous month(n) results on last working day of following month or beginning of the month(n+2)


1. Monthly Sales Trend of FCEV - Type, Country, Continents, Group, Maker(OEM), Model, Fuel Cell Stack supplier

2. Fuel Cell Stack Capacity (kw) by FCEV models

3. Monthly Battery Installation Trend of FCEV - Battery Supplier, Battery Type, Battery Chemical