
建築機器人 - 市場佔有率分析、產業趨勢與統計、成長預測(2024 - 2029)

Construction Robots - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2024 - 2029)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 119 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內





建築機器人 - 市場



  • 建築組織越來越關注減少建築材料資源和建築過程中的材料浪費,這將推動建築機器人市場的採用。此外,Autodesk 也指出,雖然很難獲得典型建築工地產生的廢棄物的準確數字,但一些建築組織認為,運送到建築工地的建築材料總重量中有近 30% 被浪費了。
  • 此外,減少專案的施工時間也有助於建築機器人的發展。奧地利移動 3D 列印建築機器人製造商 Printstones 推出了最新的製造機器人。 Baubot 採用模組化設計,可輕鬆允許第三方客戶進行修改。這款 Rover-Esque 設備被描述為“多功能建築機器人”,其功能超越了混凝土 3D 列印。它適用於許多靈活的製造程序,例如材料運輸、焊接、銑削、螺絲起子、切割、噴漆,甚至砌磚。
  • 此外,2022 年 5 月,Dusty Robotics 籌集了 4,500 萬美元,宣布推出業界首個硬體、軟體和服務解決方案,透過先進的機器人技術消除施工錯誤。 FieldPrinter 透過硬體、軟體和服務的組合在地板上列印全尺寸的數位地板技術,從而實現建築工地數位地板技術的自動化。
  • 隨著對新基礎設施的需求不斷成長,自動化建築解決方案預計將在未來幾年獲得發展勢頭並對市場產生積極影響。 Redshift 表示,從現在到 2050 年,該行業每天必須建造 13,000 棟建築,才能支持預計 70 億居住在城市地區的人口。
  • 此外,與取得和維護技術相關的高成本是實施建築機器人技術的課題之一。購買以及技術的實施成本高昂。因此,只有具有良好營業額和市場競爭力的企業才能負擔得起這些技術。除此之外,自動化技術需要更新和維護,而且大多數都是昂貴的。由於特殊技術人員的需求,新機器人設備的維護成本更高。
  • 過去爆發的 COVID-19 對建築業產生了不利影響,建築工作在封鎖的最初幾個月陷入停滯。然而,由於該技術提供的安全優勢,該產品的需求見證了業界對採用該產品的興趣的增加。



  • 隨著對新商業和住宅基礎設施的需求不斷成長,自動化建築解決方案預計將在未來幾年獲得發展勢頭並對市場產生積極影響。 Redshift 表示,從現在到 2050 年,該行業每天必須建造 13,000 棟建築,才能支持城市地區預計的 70 億人口。
  • 都市化進程呈指數級成長。根據世界銀行的資料,全球約55%的人口,即42億人居住在城市,而且這一趨勢預計在未來幾年將持續下去。到 2050 年,全球城市人口預計將增加一倍,近十分之七的人居住在城市。這預計將帶來自動化和人工智慧等技術變革,並快速部署包括機器人技術在內的各種技術,以應對多種城市課題。
  • 根據人口資料局發布的《2021年世界人口資料表》,北美是全球城市化程度最高的大陸,82%的人口居住在城市。拉丁美洲和加勒比海地區的都市化率為79%。預計全球居住在城市地區的人口比例將從2020年的56%增加到2050年的70%。
  • 都市化的需求和規模帶來了課題,包括滿足對經濟適用住房、四通八達的交通系統和其他基本生活基礎設施的加速需求。據世界銀行稱,居住在非正規住區的近十億城市貧民面臨引發衝突的機會,這導致其中 60% 的人在城市地區被迫流離失所。
  • 全球主要經濟體正在考慮建立更多的住房解決方案,以控制城市地區的房價,以便低收入公民負擔得起。北美和歐洲主要經濟體的城市規劃部門正在尋求為市場建造更多住房,這將在一定程度上緩和一些價格。預計在未來幾年,3D 列印解決方案將顯著減少建置時間並具有永續性,從而吸引人們的需求。主要位於亞太地區的成長經濟體對基礎設施和住房解決方案的需求預計將加速其對建築技術的投資。
  • 住宅和公寓等住宅建築的不斷成長預計將在預測期內推動對建築機器人的需求。


  • 亞太地區是建築機器人市場的重要地區之一,其中三個主要國家分別是印度、中國和日本。該地區 3D 列印房屋的不斷發展預計將推動市場成長。
  • 此外,由於 3D 列印的高需求,許多國際公司正在尋求擴大其區域產品範圍。例如,2022年6月,丹麥3D建築列印技術開發商COBOD International與澳洲Fortex公司簽署了新的分銷協議,作為該公司將尖端混凝土3D列印技術引入澳洲並加強混凝土3D列印技術策略的一部分。亞太地區的3D 建築列印。
  • 在大流行之前,亞洲就已經全面擁抱機器人和工業自動化。在後新冠疫情時代,這些技術的採用以及將這些技術整合在一起的行業(例如製造、物流和建築)將繼續增加。
  • 不斷成長的城市化預計將進一步創造市場成長的需求。根據中國國家統計局的數據,2022年,中國約有65.2%的人口居住在城市。過去幾十年來,中國的城市化率顯著提高。
  • 建造業前景樂觀,人才需求旺盛。然而,面對持續且龐大的施工量,業界需要提高施工效率,確保工人和工地安全,進而提高整體生產力和成本效益。預計這種趨勢將為預測期內研究的市場帶來正面的成長。


建築機器人市場呈現碎片化,主要參與者包括 Brokk AB (Lifco Public AB)、Husqvarna AB、Construction Robotics LLC、FBR Ltd. 和 Advanced Construction Robotics Inc.。市場參與者正在採取合作夥伴關係、創新等策略和收購,以增強其產品供應並獲得永續的競爭優勢。

2022 年 12 月,醫療和工業用外骨骼技術產業領導者 Ekso Bionics 宣布收購全球運動領導者 Parker Hannifin Corporation(「Parker」)的人體運動與控制(「HMC」)業務部門和控制技術。此次收購包括 Indegower 肢體外骨骼產品線以及計畫開發的機器人輔助矯正器和義肢設備。

2022 年 10 月,全球領先的遙控拆除機器人製造商 Brokk 宣布增加 BROKK SURFACE GRINDER 530 (BSG 530) 附件,用於材料去除,例如油漆和石棉、表面處理以及牆壁、地板上的拋光,以及翻新和修復應用中的天花板。

2022 年 8 月,Husqvarna Construction 與該地區領先的工業工具和設備供應商 AABTools 建立戰略合作夥伴關係。 Husqvarna Construction 的有機產品將由 AABTools 分銷,包括重型和高頻混凝土取芯機、專為磚塊和鋼筋混凝土設計的牆鋸、遙控拆除機器人以及二十多種型號的手持式動力切割機、除塵器和地板鋸。


  • Excel 格式的市場估算 (ME) 表
  • 3 個月的分析師支持


第 1 章:簡介

  • 研究假設和市場定義
  • 研究範圍

第 2 章:研究方法

第 3 章:執行摘要

第 4 章:市場洞察

  • 市場概況
  • 產業吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 供應商的議價能力
    • 買家的議價能力
    • 新進入者的威脅
    • 替代品的威脅
    • 競爭激烈程度
  • COVID-19 對市場的影響

第 5 章:市場動態

  • 市場促進因素
    • 快速城市化
    • 政府對工人安全制定嚴格規定
  • 市場限制
    • 設備和安裝成本高

第 6 章:市場區隔

  • 依類型
    • 拆除
    • 瓦工
    • 3D列印
    • 其他類型
  • 依應用
    • 公共基礎設施
    • 商業及住宅建築
    • 其他應用
  • 依地理
    • 北美洲
    • 歐洲
    • 亞太
    • 世界其他地區

第 7 章:競爭格局

  • 公司簡介
    • BROKK AB (Lifco publ AB)
    • Husqvarna AB
    • Construction Robotics LLC
    • FBR Ltd.
    • Advanced Construction Robotics Inc.
    • Dusty Robotics
    • Apis Cor
    • COBOD International AS
    • Ekso Bionics

第 8 章:投資分析

第 9 章:市場的未來

Product Code: 67177

The Construction Robots Market size is estimated at USD 383.11 million in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 787.48 million by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 15.5% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

Construction Robots - Market

The growing urbanization, industrialization penetration, and advanced construction & demolition operation factors are driving market revenue growth.

Key Highlights

  • The increasing focus of construction organizations on reducing building materials' resources and material waste during construction will drive the adoption of the construction robot market. Further, Autodesk identifies that while it is difficult to get exact figures of the waste produced on a typical construction site, several construction organizations have thought that nearly 30% of the total weight of building materials transported to a building site gets wasted.
  • Further, reducing the construction time of the projects is aiding the growth of construction robots. Printstones, an Austria-based manufacturer of mobile 3D printing robots for construction, has launched its latest manufacturing robot. A modular design indicates the Baubot, which easily allows third-party customer modifications. Described as a 'multi-functional construction robot,' the rover-Esque device goes beyond concrete 3D printing. It qualifies for many flexible manufacturing processes such as material transportation, welding, milling, screwdriver, cutting, painting, and even bricklaying.
  • Further, in May 2022, Dusty Robotics raised USD 45 million to announce the Industry's First Hardware, Software, and Services Solution to Destroy Construction Errors Through Advanced Robotics. FieldPrinter automates digital floor techniques on construction sites by printing them full-size on the floor through a mixture of hardware, software, and services.
  • With the growing need for new infrastructure, automated construction solutions are expected to gain momentum over the coming years and impact the market positively. According to Redshift, the industry must build 13,000 buildings daily from now to 2050 to support an expected population of seven billion living in urban areas.
  • Furthermore, high costs associated with acquiring and maintaining the technologies are one of the challenges in implementing construction robotics. The purchase, along with the implementation of the technologies, is costly. Therefore, only firms with a good turnover and market competition can afford these technologies. In addition to this, automation technologies need to be updated and maintained, and most of them are expensive to do it. The maintenance cost for the new robotics equipment is higher because of the exceptional technician's needs.
  • The past outbreak of COVID-19 adversely affected the construction industry, with construction work coming to a standstill in the initial months of the lockdown. However, the product demand witnessed an increased interest in adoption from the industry owing to the safety benefits offered by the technology.

Construction Robots Market Trends

Commercial and Residential Buildings to be the Largest Application for Construction Robots

  • With the growing need for new commercial and residential infrastructure, automated construction solutions are expected to gain momentum over the coming years and impact the market positively. According to Redshift, the industry must build 13,000 buildings daily from now to 2050 to support an expected population of seven billion in urban areas.
  • Urbanization is rising at an exponential rate. According to World Bank data, about 55% of the world's population, or 4.2 billion people, live in cities, and the trend is expected to continue over the coming years. By 2050, the urban population worldwide is expected to double, with nearly seven out of 10 people living in cities. This is expected to bring about technological changes such as automation and artificial intelligence and rapidly deploy various technologies, including robotics, to address multiple urban challenges.
  • According to the World Population Data Sheet 2021, published by the Population Reference Bureau, North America was the most urbanized continent worldwide, with 82% of the population living in cities. In Latin America and the Caribbean, the degree of urbanization stood at 79%. It is projected that the share of people living in urban areas globally will increase from 56% in 2020 to 70% in 2050.
  • The need and scale of urbanization are bringing challenges that include meeting accelerated demand for affordable housing, well-connected transport systems, and other basic infrastructure for living. According to the World Bank, nearly one billion urban poor who live in informal settlements are near opportunities that result in conflicts, which is leading to 60% of them being forcibly displaced in urban areas.
  • Major economies worldwide are considering building more housing solutions to control the price of homes in urban areas so that lower-income citizens can afford them. Urban planning departments across major economies in North America and Europe are looking to build more housing for the market, which will somewhat moderate some prices. This is where 3D printing solutions that consume significantly less time to build and are sustainable are expected to gain traction in demand over the coming years. The demand for infrastructure and housing solutions in growing economies, mainly situated in the Asia-Pacific region, is expected to accelerate their investment in construction technologies.
  • The growing construction of residential places like homes and apartments is expected to propel the demand for construction robots over the forecast period.

Asia-Pacific to Dominate the Market

  • Asia-Pacific is one of the significant regions for the construction robotics market, with the three major countries being India, China, and Japan. The increasing development of 3D-printed houses in the region is expected to boost market growth.
  • Additionally, various international companies are looking to expand their regional offerings due to the high demand for 3D printing. For instance, in June 2022, COBOD International, a Danish developer of 3D construction printing technology, signed a new distribution agreement with Fortex, an Australian company, as part of the company's strategy to bring cutting-edge concrete 3D printing technology to Australia and strengthen 3D construction printing in the Asia-Pacific region.
  • Asia was already fully embracing robotics and industrial automation before the pandemic. In a post-COVID world, the adoption of these technologies and industries that integrate them, like manufacturing, logistics, and construction, will continue to rise.
  • The increasing urbanization is further expected to create demand for market growth. As per the National Bureau of Statistics of China, in 2022, approximately 65.2% of the population in China lived in cities. The urbanization rate has increased significantly in the country over the last few decades.
  • The prospect of the construction industry is optimistic, with a strong demand for manpower. Nevertheless, in the face of a continuous and huge amount of construction work, the industry needs to improve construction efficiency and ensure worker and site safety, thereby enhancing overall productivity and cost-effectiveness. Such trends are expected to create positive growth for the market studied over the forecast period.

Construction Robots Industry Overview

The construction robots market is fragmented with the presence of major players like Brokk AB (Lifco Public AB), Husqvarna AB, Construction Robotics LLC, FBR Ltd., and Advanced Construction Robotics Inc. Players in the market are adopting strategies such as partnerships, innovations, and acquisitions to enhance their product offerings and gain a sustainable competitive advantage.

In December 2022, Ekso Bionics, an industry leader in exoskeleton technology for medical and industrial use, announced the acquisition of the Human Motion and Control ("HMC") Business Unit from Parker Hannifin Corporation ("Parker"), a global leader in motion and control technologies. The acquisition included the Indegolower limb exoskeleton line of products as well as the planned development of robotic-assisted orthotic and prosthetic devices.

In October 2022, Brokk, the world's leading manufacturer of remote-controlled demolition robots, announced the addition of the BROKK SURFACE GRINDER 530 (BSG 530) attachment for material removal, such as paint and asbestos, surface preparation, and polishing on walls, floors, and ceilings in renovation and restoration applications.

In August 2022, Husqvarna Construction entered into a strategic partnership with AABTools, the region's leading industrial tools and equipment supplier. Husqvarna Construction's organic products were to be distributed by AABTools, including heavy-duty and high-frequency concrete coring machines, wall saws designed for brick and reinforced concrete, remote-controlled demolition robots, and twenty-plus models of handheld power cutters, dust extractors, and floor saws.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.2.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.2.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers
    • 4.2.3 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.2.4 Threat of Substitutes
    • 4.2.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.3 Impact of COVID-19 on the Market


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 Rapid Urbanization
    • 5.1.2 Stringent Government Regulations for Worker's Safety
  • 5.2 Market Restraints
    • 5.2.1 High Equipment and Setup Costs


  • 6.1 By Type
    • 6.1.1 Demolition
    • 6.1.2 Bricklaying
    • 6.1.3 3D Printing
    • 6.1.4 Other Types
  • 6.2 By Application
    • 6.2.1 Public Infrastructure
    • 6.2.2 Commercial and Residential Buildings
    • 6.2.3 Other Applications
  • 6.3 By Geography
    • 6.3.1 North America
    • 6.3.2 Europe
    • 6.3.3 Asia-Pacific
    • 6.3.4 Rest of the World


  • 7.1 Company Profiles
    • 7.1.1 BROKK AB (Lifco publ AB)
    • 7.1.2 Husqvarna AB
    • 7.1.3 Construction Robotics LLC
    • 7.1.4 FBR Ltd.
    • 7.1.5 Advanced Construction Robotics Inc.
    • 7.1.6 Dusty Robotics
    • 7.1.7 Apis Cor
    • 7.1.8 COBOD International AS
    • 7.1.9 Ekso Bionics