
戶外 Wi-Fi:市場佔有率分析、產業趨勢與統計、成長預測(2024-2029)

Outdoor Wi-Fi - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2024 - 2029)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 120 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內








  • 各國政府正在優先考慮世界各地的戶外 Wi-Fi普及,以加速寬頻服務的普及。據愛立信稱,到年終,全球固定寬頻連線數量預計將達到15億。它還預測到年終北美將有3.4億5G用戶。因此,這種擴張可能會影響未來戶外Wi-Fi市場的成長。
  • 此外,政府推出 Wi-Fi 熱點的措施將顯著推動所研究的市場。例如,去年5月,印度電訊部門的一位高級官員表示,國營的Bharat Sanchar Nigam將於去年6月將其3萬個Wi-Fi熱點遷移到PM-WANI框架。鐵路部門制定了雄心勃勃的計劃,將所有未來熱點涵蓋這一框架之下。為了加速寬頻網路在全國的普及,政府於 2020 年 12 月核准當地基拉納斯和鄰裡商店建立戶外 Wi-Fi 網路和網路基地台。 PM-WANI(室外 Wi-Fi接取網路介面)包含潛在的功能。在這個國家發起一場大規模的 Wi-Fi 革命。
  • 此外,電訊(ITU) 估計去年有 53 億人(即世界人口的 66%)使用網路。這比 2019 年成長了 24%,在此期間預計將有 11 億人加入網路。網路普及的提高為國內外戶外 Wi-Fi 供應商推出新產品、擴大頻寬和佔領重要市場佔有率創造了機會。
  • 疫情期間,在家工作已成為新常態。隨著消費者要求在家工作的壓力,各行業和住宅市場正在增加戶外 Wi-Fi 的使用來滿足這一需求。 Wi-Fi 服務顯著增加,社群媒體使用量也增加。例如,《紐約時報》報道稱,義大利的群組通話數量增加了十倍,Facebook 的 WhatsApp、Messenger 和 Instagram 平台上的語音通話分別增加了 100% 和 50%。同樣,Google注意到其視訊會議產品的使用量增加以及 YouTube 的新使用趨勢,但表示尖峰時段流量水平仍然在其範圍內。包括 Netflix、Akamai 和 YouTube 在內的許多應用程式供應商已同意降低歐洲高峰時段影片串流的質量,理由是需求增加。有些人已將預設世界設定從高解析度更改為標準解析度。
  • 相反,如果沒有 VPN,您的室外 Wi-Fi 很容易受到中間人 (MITM) 攻擊、邪惡雙胞胎攻擊、惡意軟體注入以及 Wi-Fi 窺探和嗅探等攻擊。熱點降低了上述所有攻擊風險。加密過程有效地保護您的所有資料免遭窺探。駭客可以看到您正在使用室外 Wi-Fi 連接到網際網路,但他們無法讀取正在發送的資料的詳細資訊。



  • 智慧城市是使用人工智慧(AI)、物聯網(IoT)、雲端儲存、巨量資料和資料分析等先進技術的城市區域。他們收集和分析使用資料,並利用從中獲得的見解來有效管理資源、服務和資產。政府採取越來越多的措施來應對都市化和人口過剩,以及永續對資源管理的需求不斷成長,正在推動智慧城市產業的成長。
  • 美國是智慧城市開發平台的領先地區之一。物聯網智慧社區技術使城市能夠更有效地利用資源,並改善從空氣和水質到交通、能源和通訊基礎設施的一切。據 Smart America 稱,未來 20 年,美國城市政府可能會花費高達 41 兆美元用於基礎設施升級,以利用物聯網。
  • 去年11月,智慧城市組織Smart Cities Council開始在英國營運。智慧城市理事會及其相關的全球影響力計畫將政府、企業、學術界、慈善界和慈善界聚集在一起,採取行動,以應對當今城市和社區面臨的主要挑戰和機會。英國的「智慧」從地方和基礎設施的擴展包括人員、安全、美麗、永續性、彈性和公平。
  • 此外,豐田正在日本富士山腳下建造一座佔地 175 英畝的智慧城市,距離東京約 100 英里。 「未來之城」將成為機器人、智慧家庭和人工智慧等技術的試驗場。該設施最初將容納 2,000 名豐田員工及其家人、退休夫婦、零售商和科學家,以測試和開發這些技術。豐田編織城市的居民將居住在智慧家庭中,該智慧家庭配備了輔助日常生活的家庭機器人系統和用於監控健康和其他必需品的基於感測器的人工智慧。
  • 根據國際管理髮展研究所的數據,新加坡是 2021 年智慧城市排名第一的城市。與榜單上的其他城市相比,它有很多優勢,包括清潔、醫療服務和安全CCTV攝影機。預計此類發展將推動所研究的市場。


  • 由於中國和印度這兩個全球最大經濟體的存在,亞太地區戶外Wi-Fi市場預計將成長更快。該地區強勁的經濟成長及其帶來的資訊表明,網際網路即將為亞太地區帶來動態變化。因此,該地區的戶外Wi-Fi市場蘊藏著巨大的機會。
  • 各公司在該地區的 Wi-Fi 技術形勢具有競爭力,導致推出了與最新技術相關的各種產品。例如,去年3月,中國科技公司中興通訊展示了全球首款Wi-Fi 7消費性產品中興MC888旗艦。中興MC888旗艦是一款Wi-Fi 7 5G CPE(客戶駐地設備),可從4G LTE和5G網路取得蜂巢式資料,並將其轉換為Wi-Fi訊號供用戶連線。當三個頻寬都充分利用時,中興MC888旗艦支援2.4G Hz/5G Hz/6 Hz頻寬,速度高達19 Gbps。功能包括 320 MHz頻寬、多鏈路操作 (MLO)、4K QAM 等。
  • 去年10月,IIIT海得拉巴智慧城市生活實驗室與Silicon Labs合作建立了覆蓋校園的Wi-SUN網路,以促進物聯網(IoT)和智慧城市研究和解決方案。 Wi-SUN 連接數百萬個物聯網節點,使公用事業、城市和企業能夠創建遠距、低功耗無線網膜網路。該計劃包括將校園路燈改造為 Wi-SUN 智慧路燈,以便在整個校園內建立強大的網路,並使用這些燈作為路由器節點來傳輸感測器資料。
  • 韓國將主導Wi-Fi 6E的商業化。 Wi-Fi 6E 是新一代 Wi-Fi,將連線擴展到 6 GHz頻寬,可實現更快的速度、更多的頻寬和更低的延遲。例如,去年1月,在科學技術資訊通訊部舉辦的活動中,Wi-Fi 6E在南部度假島濟州島進行了各種測試。在演示中,8K VR即時串流服務在虛擬實境主題樂園進行了測試。此外,在高中體育館,參與者使用即時攝影機和 Wi-Fi 6E 路由器透過大約 100 台裝置同時觀看比賽。此外,Wi-Fi 6E漫遊服務也在國內機場進行了測試。
  • 2022年8月,D-Link推出DSL X1852E Wi-Fi路由器。該路由器在 5 GHz頻寬上提供高達 1200 Mbps 的速度,在 2.4 GHz頻寬上提供高達 574 Mbps 的速度,並採用最新的 WPA3 128 位元加密。該路由器還融合了Wi-Fi 6最先進的正交頻分多址(OFDMA)技術。它還提供雙向 MU-MIMO 技術,有助於將資料流同時分配到多個裝置。



  • 2022 年 5 月:思科宣布發布首款支援 Wi-Fi 6E 的室外網路基地台,並對遠端工業操作進行了改進。全新 Catalyst IW9167 系列為我們的工業無線產品組合增添了前所未有的多功能性。單一硬體解決方案和兩種無線替代方案為企業提供了多種選擇,為其應用部署最佳無線技術。當您的業務需求發生變化時,您還可以透過在兩種技術之間快速切換來確保您的部署面向未來。
  • 2022 年 5 月:Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. 宣布推出支援 Wi-Fi 7 的 Qualcomm Networking Pro Series Gen 3 平台系列。 Qualcomm Networking Pro 系列 Gen3 是高效能 Wi-Fi 7 網路基礎設施平台產品組合,目前正在提供樣品並可供全球開發合作夥伴使用。該產品將Wi-Fi 7功能與Qualcomm Technologies的智慧多通道管理技術結合,以提高Wi-Fi 6/6E設備的速度、降低延遲和網路利用率。為新一代 Wi-Fi 7 用戶端設備提供突破性的吞吐量和極低的延遲。


  • Excel 格式的市場預測 (ME) 表
  • 3 個月分析師支持



  • 研究成果
  • 調查先決條件
  • 調查範圍




  • 市場概況
  • 產業吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 供應商的議價能力
    • 消費者議價能力
    • 新進入者的威脅
    • 競爭公司之間敵對的強度
    • 替代品的威脅
  • 技術簡介


  • 市場動態介紹
  • 市場促進因素
    • 對物聯網的需求不斷成長以及連網設備的普及
    • 全球智慧城市計劃投資不斷成長
  • 市場限制因素
    • 隱私和安全問題日益嚴重


  • 依產品
    • 無線區域網路控制器
    • 網路基地台
    • 無線主機閘道器
  • 按服務
    • 網路規劃設計
    • 安裝與支援
  • 按實施模型
    • 戶外熱點
    • 專用網路
  • 按最終用戶產業
    • 衛生保健
    • 教育
    • 物流運輸
    • 旅行和招待
    • 公共工程
    • 其他最終用戶產業
  • 地區
    • 北美洲
    • 歐洲
    • 亞太地區
    • 拉丁美洲
    • 中東和非洲

第7章 競爭形勢

  • 主要供應商簡介
    • Aerohive Networks
    • Airspan Networks
    • Alvarion Technologies(SuperCom)
    • Cisco Systems Inc.
    • Fortinet Inc.
    • Hewlett-Packard Company
    • Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd
    • Juniper Networks
    • Netgear Inc.
    • Nokia Siemens Networks
    • Ubiquiti Networks Inc.
    • Zebra Technologies



Product Code: 54993

The Outdoor Wi-Fi Market size is estimated at USD 7.12 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 11.20 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 9.49% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

Outdoor Wi-Fi - Market

Numerous venues, including metro stations, hotels, railroad stations, cafes, markets, airports, parks, institutions of higher learning, and other public spaces, now feature outdoor Wi-Fi hotspots. It encourages the internet's tremendous accessibility. The grounds for the market's expansion include rising social media usage, increasing internet penetration, and rising demand for smart devices in several nations.

Key Highlights

  • Governments are prioritizing outdoor Wi-Fi penetration across the globe to speed the broadband services uptake. According to Ericsson, the global number of fixed broadband connections is estimated to reach 1.5 billion by the end of 2026. It also predicted that by the end of 2026, North America would have 340 million 5G subscriptions. As a result, such expansion will likely influence the future outdoor Wi-Fi market's growth.
  • Moreover, the government initiatives towards deploying Wi-Fi hotspots will significantly drive the studied market. For instance, in May last year, a senior telecom department of India official stated that state-owned Bharat Sanchar Nigam would transition 30,000 of its Wi-Fi hotspots to the PM-WANI framework in June last year. Railways include an ambitious plan for all its future hotspots to be under the framework. To promote broadband internet proliferation throughout the nation, the government approved the establishment of outdoor Wi-Fi networks and access points by local Kirana and neighborhood shops in December 2020. The PM-WANI, or outdoor Wi-Fi Access Network Interface, includes the potential to start a vast Wi-Fi revolution in the nation.
  • Further, last year, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) estimated that 5.3 billion people, or 66% of the world's population, would use the internet. It marks a 24% growth from 2019, with an expected 1.1 billion people joining the internet throughout that time. Such a rise in internet penetration will create opportunities for local and international outdoor Wi-Fi vendors to introduce new products and increase the bandwidth to capture a significant market share.
  • Throughout the pandemic, working from home became the new norm. Due to consumer pressure to work entirely from home, industries and the residential market have increased outdoor Wi-Fi use to meet this demand. Wi-Fi services rose to a greater extent, boosting social media use. For instance, The New York Times reports that group calls in Italy climbed tenfold while voice calls on Facebook's WhatsApp, Messenger, and Instagram platforms increased by 100% and 50%, respectively. Similarly, Google notes rising videoconferencing product usage and new YouTube usage trends but says peak traffic levels are still well within their capabilities. Many application providers, including Netflix, Akamai, and YouTube, have agreed to lower video streaming quality during peak hours in Europe due to increased demand. Some have also changed default global settings from high-definition to standard-definition.
  • On the flip side, without VPNs, outdoor Wi-Fi is exposed to attacks like Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attacks, evil Twin attacks, malware injection, Wi-Fi snooping and sniffing, etc. Using VPN on free public hotspots will reduce all of these mentioned attacks risks. The encryption process will effectively shield all the user's data from snooping. While the hacker can see that the user is connected to the internet with the help of outdoor Wi-Fi, they cannot read the transmitted data details.

Outdoor Wi-Fi Market Trends

Growing Investments in Smart City Projects Globally

  • A smart city is an urban area using advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud storage, big data, and data analytics. They gather and analyze utilization data and use the insights gained from them to manage resources, services, and assets effectively. Growing government measures to address urbanization and overpopulation and the growing need for resource management for sustainable development are driving growth in the smart cities industry.
  • The United States is one of the top regions for developing platforms for smart cities. With IoT Smart Communities technology, cities can use resources more effectively and enhance everything from air and water quality to transportation, energy, and communication infrastructure. According to Smart America, during the next 20 years, American city governments may spend up to USD 41 trillion upgrading their infrastructure to take advantage of the Internet of Things.
  • In November last year, the Smart Cities Council, a smart cities organization, began operations in the United Kingdom. The Smart Cities Council and its associated global impact program, "Everyone," bring together government, business, academia, philanthropy, and charity to take action and impact the key challenges and possibilities that cities and communities face today. People, safety, beauty, sustainability, resilience, and equity will be included in the expansion of "smart" from place and infrastructure in the United Kingdom.
  • Further, Toyota is constructing a 175-acre smart city at the foot of Japan's Mount Fuji, approximately 62 miles from Tokyo. The "future city" will serve as a trial ground for technology such as robotics, smart homes, and artificial intelligence. It will initially house 2,000 Toyota employees and their families, retired couples, retailers, and scientists to test and develop these technologies. Toyota's "Woven City" residents would live in smart homes with in-home robotics systems to help with daily life and sensor-based artificial intelligence to monitor health and other necessities.
  • According to International Institute for Management Development, Singapore was the top smart city in 2021. Compared to the other cities on the list, it has many benefits, such as good cleanliness, medical services, and security CCTV cameras. Such developments are expected to drive the studied market.

Asia-Pacific to Witness the Significant Growth

  • The Asia-Pacific outdoor Wi-Fi market is expected to grow faster because of the presence of the two largest economies of the world, i.e., China and India. The strong economic growth in the region, coupled with the information that the internet brings, interprets that the internet is poised for dynamic change in the Asia-Pacific region. Due to this, the outdoor Wi-Fi market includes a massive opportunity in this region.
  • Companies are competitive in the technological Wi-Fi landscape in the region, leading to various products launch related to the latest technology. For instance, in March last year, ZTE, a Chinese technology company, showcased the world's first Wi-Fi 7 consumer-ready product named the ZTE MC888 Flagship. The ZTE MC888 Flagship is a Wi-Fi 7 5G CPE (Customer Premises Equipment) that takes cellular data from 4G LTE and 5G networks and converts it to Wi-Fi signals so users can connect. If all three bands were fully utilized, the ZTE MC888 Flagship would support the 2.4G Hz/5G Hz/6 Hz frequency bands and up to 19 Gbps speeds. Features like 320 MHz bandwidth, multi-link operation (MLO), and 4K QAM are included.
  • In October last year, a campus-wide Wi-SUN network was established by the IIIT Hyderabad Smart City Living Lab in collaboration with Silicon Labs to facilitate research and solutions for the Internet of Things (IoT) and smart cities. To connect millions of IoT nodes, Wi-SUN enables utilities, cities, and businesses to construct long-range, low-power wireless mesh networks. To create a robust network across the campus and use these lights as router nodes to transfer sensor data, this project involves converting campus streetlights to Wi-SUN smart streetlights.
  • South Korea plans to lead Wi-Fi 6E commercialization, the following Wi-Fi generation that extends the connectivity to the 6 GHz band, thus enabling more bandwidth and faster speeds at lower latency. For instance, in January last year, Wi-Fi 6E was tested in various ways on the southern resort island of Jeju at an event conducted by the Ministry of Science and ICT. An 8K VR real-time streaming service was tested in a virtual reality theme park during the demonstration. Also, participants at a high school gymnasium watched a game simultaneously through about 100 terminals using a relay camera and a Wi-Fi 6E router. Moreover, the Wi-Fi 6E roaming service was tested at an airport in the country.
  • In August 2022, D-Link launched DSL X1852E Wi-Fi Router. This router offers speeds up to 1200 Mbps on its 5 GHz band and 574 Mbps on its 2.4 GHz band with the latest WPA3 128-bit encryption. This router also incorporates Wi-Fi 6's cutting-edge Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) technologies. It also provides two-way MU-MIMO technology, which helps distribute data flow to multiple devices simultaneously.

Outdoor Wi-Fi Industry Overview

The outdoor Wi-Fi market is fragmented, and the competitive rivalry among existing competitors is high. Also, moving forward, acquisitions and collaboration of large companies with startups are expected, focusing on innovation. Some key players in the market are Cisco Systems Inc. and Hewlett-Packard Enterprise Company, among others.

  • May 2022: Cisco announced the release of its first outdoor Wi-Fi 6E-ready access point and improvements for remote industrial operations. The new Catalyst IW9167 Series adds greater versatility to our industrial wireless portfolio than ever. With a single hardware solution and two wireless alternatives, we give businesses more excellent options for deploying the best wireless technologies for their applications - and for future-proofing deployments by quickly switching between the two technologies as business needs change.
  • May 2022: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. announced the availability of its Wi-Fi 7-enabled Qualcomm Networking Pro Series Gen 3 platform family. The Qualcomm Networking Pro Series, Gen3, is a high-performance Wi-Fi 7 network infrastructure platform portfolio that is now sampling and accessible to global development partners. The products combine Wi-Fi 7 features with Qualcomm Technologies' intelligent multi-channel management technologies to improve speeds, lower latency, and network utilization for Wi-Fi 6/6E devices. It offers game-changing throughput and incredibly low latency for the next generation of Wi-Fi 7 client devices.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Deliverables
  • 1.2 Study Assumptions
  • 1.3 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.2.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.2.2 Bargaining Power of Consumers
    • 4.2.3 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.2.4 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
    • 4.2.5 Threat of Substitutes
  • 4.3 Technology Snapshot


  • 5.1 Introduction to Market Dynamics
  • 5.2 Market Drivers
    • 5.2.1 Increasing Demand for Internet of Things and Penetration of Internet Enabled Gadgets
    • 5.2.2 Growing Investments in Smart City Projects Globally
  • 5.3 Market Restraints
    • 5.3.1 Rising Privacy and Security Concerns


  • 6.1 By Product
    • 6.1.1 WLAN Controllers
    • 6.1.2 Access Points
    • 6.1.3 Wireless Hospot Gateways
  • 6.2 By Service
    • 6.2.1 Network Planning and Design
    • 6.2.2 Installation and Support
  • 6.3 By Implementation Model
    • 6.3.1 Outdoor Hotspots
    • 6.3.2 Private Networks
  • 6.4 By End-user Industry
    • 6.4.1 Healthcare
    • 6.4.2 Education
    • 6.4.3 Logistics and Transportation
    • 6.4.4 Travel and Hospitality
    • 6.4.5 Public Utilities
    • 6.4.6 Other End-user Industries
  • 6.5 Geography
    • 6.5.1 North America
    • 6.5.2 Europe
    • 6.5.3 Asia-Pacific
    • 6.5.4 Latin America
    • 6.5.5 Middle East & Africa


  • 7.1 Key Vendor Profiles
    • 7.1.1 Aerohive Networks
    • 7.1.2 Airspan Networks
    • 7.1.3 Alvarion Technologies (SuperCom)
    • 7.1.4 Cisco Systems Inc.
    • 7.1.5 Fortinet Inc.
    • 7.1.6 Hewlett-Packard Company
    • 7.1.7 Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd
    • 7.1.8 Juniper Networks
    • 7.1.9 Netgear Inc.
    • 7.1.10 Nokia Siemens Networks
    • 7.1.11 Ubiquiti Networks Inc.
    • 7.1.12 Zebra Technologies