
夜視攝影機 - 市場佔有率分析、產業趨勢與統計、成長預測(2024 - 2029)

Night Vision Cameras - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2024 - 2029)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 120 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內





夜視攝影機 - 市場



  • 夜視攝影機具有多種優勢,例如在各種應用中提供低光照區域的清晰視野。然而,此類相機僅產生黑白影像,這在大多數情況下是可以接受的折衷方案。加州大學歐文分校的多位研究人員旨在透過製造一種填補盲點並使圖像著色的人工智慧來增強夜視能力。然而,著色僅適用於肖像,但在不久的將來,也許可以對其他特徵進行著色,以獲得更自然的感覺,將黑夜變成白天。
  • 隱形夜視攝影機專為鳥箱、餵鳥器或其他巢箱監控而設計,支援隱形夜視,與常用的夜視安全攝影機不同,它配備了940nm 紅外線(IR) LED 進行照明,並為鳥類提供服務。友善的夜視功能,因為只會發出微弱的紅光,不會驚嚇鳥類或野生動物,也不會在夜視突然自動打開時擾亂它們的自然睡眠週期。這使得大自然愛好者能夠在行動裝置上觀看感興趣的鳥類或野生動物夜間活動的清晰黑白影像,使他們能夠探索和享受感興趣的鳥類或野生動物的夜間活動。
  • 熱像儀的技術發展將使公司能夠將這些技術融入他們的產品中,並在未來佔領巨大的市場佔有率。例如,冷卻式熱成像攝影機需要能夠將攝影機的熱探測器冷卻至低至 200 開爾文 (-100 F) 的溫度的冷卻設備。目前使用多種冷卻技術,包括低溫液化氣體、珀耳帖冷卻器和斯特林冷卻器。斯特林冷卻器是一種透過交替壓縮和釋放氣體來調節溫度的冷卻裝置。
  • 這些夜視系統面臨著充滿課題的戰場環境和廣泛的軍事用途。更換和維護夜視裝置的費用非常昂貴。翻新、維修或升級是一種低成本的替代解決方案。近視設備系統價格的上漲與實用且耐用的硬體有關。由於顯像管的開發、建造和安裝可能花費數百萬美元,因此該設備包含投資所需的更大量的資本支出。由於冷卻紅外線偵測器系統的敏感性,冷卻熱像儀可提供最佳的影像品質和最顯著的環境溫度變化。儘管如此,冷卻系統的使用壽命仍然有限。
  • 在 COVID-19 疫情期間,南迭戈丘拉維斯塔警察局宣布投資超過 11,000 美元購買兩架配備夜視攝影機的無人機,以減輕這些地區警察的風險。該部門的目的是在疫情爆發期間用這些無人機監視住在街上的人。即使在大多數國家,夜視攝影機的使用也顯著增加,在後新冠疫情場景下,印度計劃部署人工智慧驅動的無人機,用夜視攝影機放大這些地區。



  • 夜視設備在軍事防禦和執法應用中的廣泛使用是由於需要增強弱光和夜間環境下的態勢感知、目標識別和作戰效率。軍隊嚴重依賴夜視技術,特種部隊在執行謹慎任務時使用夜視鏡 (NVG),例如美國海豹部隊在關鍵行動中執行的任務。同樣,執法機構也依賴夜視設備進行監視、搜救工作以及人群控制。
  • 此外,這些國家正在軍事和國防方面進行大量投資,這需要大量使用視覺相機。此類投資也可能刺激市場需求。例如,2022 年 2 月,印度財政部長在 2022-23 財政年度向國防部撥款 5,2516.15 億印度盧比(630.5 億美元)。這比前一年的撥款47819.6億印度盧比(574.1億美元)增加了4697億印度盧比(56.4億美元),即10%,是近年來國防預算增幅最大的一次。
  • 同樣,2022年3月,根據預算建議草案,中國政府提出2022會計年度國防預算為1.45兆日圓(2,300億美元),較去年同期成長7.1%。中國國防開支的增加恰逢中國人民解放軍在至關重要的印度-太平洋地區日益炫耀武力的同時。 2020年,中國國防開支首次突破2,000億美元。 2021年國防預算成長6.8%,達2,090億美元。
  • 英國國會稱,2020/21年度國防開支以現金計算為424億英鎊(536.9億美元)。這比去年名目增加25億英鎊(31.7億美元),自然成長17億英鎊(21.5億美元)。因此,2024/25年度國防預算以現金計算將比2020/21年度增加62億英鎊(78.5億美元)。然而,這種支出成長的實際價值較低,特別是考慮到通貨膨脹不斷加劇。根據通貨膨脹調整後,國防開支預計將增加 15 億英鎊(19 億美元)。
  • 美國軍方也使用人工智慧夜視設備,將其固定在士兵的頭盔上,並提供有關潛在可疑活動的警報。為了促進這項決策,國防部長埃斯珀啟動了全面的全國防審查,最終為 2021 會計年度節省了近 57 億美元,週轉基金效率提高了 2 億美元,活動和職能節省了 21 億美元重新調整服務。該計劃使國防部能夠更好地為更高級別的國防戰略(NDS)優先事項提供資源。
  • 根據北約預測,2022年美國的國防開支預計將達8,210億美元,是北約國家中國防開支最多的國家。英國的國防開支位居第二,為 720 億美元,德國為 620 億美元,法國為 550 億美元。


  • 由於政府為增強人員能力而在國防基礎設施上的支出不斷增加,預計亞太地區的夜視攝影機市場將大幅成長。此外,隨著新技術的發展,夜視設備的成本預計會降低,從而增加最終用戶的支出。
  • 不同地區的研究人員正在試驗不同的材料,以提高產品的效率。研究人員表示,這種由砷化鎵半導體構成的超薄膜也可用於開發微型靈活的紅外線感測器。儘管它只是一個概念驗證,但研究人員相信它有潛力成為軍事、警察和安全環境中使用的大型夜視鏡的低成本、輕量級替代品。由澳洲和歐洲學者組成的團隊創作了這部電影,詳細資訊發表在《Advanced Photonics》上。它將人類通常看不見的紅外光轉化為可見光。
  • 此外,許多政府更喜歡為其智慧攝影機安裝配備夜視功能。例如,2022年3月,印度德里政府打算完成閉路電視攝影機安裝計畫的最後部分。由於與大流行相關的限制,公共工程部 (PWD) 聲稱過去兩年安裝了 133,000 個閉路電視攝影機,而目標是 14 萬個。 PWD打算使用30-40個攝影機覆蓋每個市場和居民福利協會監管的區域。四兆像素攝影機安裝在桿子或牆上,並具有夜視功能,可實現最佳視訊品質。
  • 對安全監控的投資不斷成長,特別是在新興國家,推動了對所研究市場產品的需求。例如,中國和印度等國家擴大投資這些技術,激勵外國和本地製造商投資該市場。這為所研究的市場帶來了進步和創新。此外,區域公司正在籌集投資來開發和生產夜視設備。 2022 年4 月,中國深圳GD Digital Ltd. 在Kickstarter 上為高迪夜視鏡發起了眾籌活動,高迪夜視鏡是一款緊湊、輕便的夜視解決方案,配備雙TFT 1.4 英寸顯示螢幕,解析度為390 x 390。此類設備很可能以拉動市場需求。
  • 高品質的智慧視訊監控將是安防產業的未來。隨著新的先進技術的引入,當今監控系統的功能變得更加複雜和智慧。隨著網路、多核心處理、數位訊號處理、影像處理和大容量儲存等多種技術的整合,智慧監控系統已經並將逐漸取代舊系統。這將為未來夜視監控系統帶來顯著成長。


夜視攝影機市場較為分散,有多家公司在該市場營運。領先企業目前專注於為客戶提供技術先進的產品。對夜視攝影機的需求不斷增加,從長遠來看,其成本不斷下降,預計將鼓勵投資者在未來幾年內投資這項技術,這可能會帶來更多的市場競爭。主要參與者包括 Intevac Inc.、Photonis USA Inc. 和 Elbit Systems Ltd.。市場的最新發展包括:

  • 2023 年 6 月:TP-Link 最新的 Tapo 戶外安全攝影機具有令人印象深刻的彩色夜視功能。據 TP-Link 稱,Tapo C325WB 中的 ColorPro 夜視技術即使在相當於無月午夜的極低光照條件下,也能以 HDR 捕捉 2K 解析度的生動影像。此外,該攝影機與 Alexa 和 Google Assistant 相容,並具有雙向音訊和板載警報器,以阻止不需要的入侵者。該攝影機具有防風雨功能,並提供無線網路連接,還可以選擇使用乙太網路連接埠來實現可靠的電纜連接。但是,它確實需要 3 公尺長的電源線。
  • 2023 年 4 月:Douvox 宣佈為備受期待的 Douvox Ultra 夜視攝影機啟動新的 Kickstarter 活動。基於先前產品 Mate Pro 夜視攝影機的成功,Douvox 很高興推出 Douvox Ultra,它提供增強的影像和記錄功能,使其成為即使在最黑暗的環境中也能捕捉瞬間的寶貴工具。這款單眼攝影機採用尖端的 5MP Sony Starvis 高靈敏度 CMOS 影像感測器,即使在極低光照場景下也能提供生動的全彩 FHD 影片,靈敏度低至 0.001 勒克斯。


  • Excel 格式的市場估算 (ME) 表
  • 3 個月的分析師支持


第 1 章:簡介

  • 研究成果
  • 研究假設
  • 研究範圍

第 2 章:研究方法

第 3 章:執行摘要

第 4 章:市場動態

  • 市場概況
  • 市場促進因素與限制簡介
  • 市場促進因素
    • 對先進監控技術的需求不斷成長
    • 汽車夜視應用
  • 市場限制
    • 穿過透明障礙物瞄準
  • 產業價值鏈分析
  • 產業吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 新進入者的威脅
    • 買家/消費者的議價能力
    • 供應商的議價能力
    • 替代產品的威脅
    • 競爭激烈程度

第 5 章:市場區隔

  • 依類型
    • 有線夜視攝影機
    • 無線夜視攝影機
  • 依最終用戶
    • 軍事與國防
    • 工業的
    • 公共和住宅基礎設施
    • 運輸
    • 研究
    • 其他最終用戶
  • 地理
    • 北美洲
    • 歐洲
    • 亞太
    • 世界其他地區

第 6 章:競爭格局

  • 公司簡介
    • Intevac Inc.
    • Photonis
    • Elbit Systems Ltd
    • Rockwell Collins Inc.
    • FLIR Systems Inc.
    • Panasonic Corporation
    • BAE Systems PLC
    • TAK Technologies Private Limited
    • Harris Corporation
    • Tactical Night Vision Company Inc.
    • General Dynamics Global Imaging Technologies Inc.
    • Nivisys LLC
    • Sony Corporation
    • Sharp Corporation

第 7 章:投資分析

第 8 章:市場機會與未來趨勢

Product Code: 54531

The Night Vision Cameras Market size is estimated at USD 5.82 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 10.17 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 11.78% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

Night Vision Cameras - Market

Night vision cameras protect valuable assets by capturing video evidence of vandalism, theft, and any other unauthorized activity in low-light conditions. Most standard security systems or cameras often fail to fulfill this task. Advanced night vision security cameras enable an impressive array of features to make after-hours video surveillance easy, efficient, and accurate. They are one of the fastest-growing security systems in the global market. As a result, these cameras are being preferred across various industries and in some cases, by several individuals for residential, public infrastructure, and industrial applications.

Key Highlights

  • Night vision cameras have several advantages, such as providing a clear view of low-lit areas across various applications. However, such cameras only produce black-and-white images, which is an acceptable compromise in most cases. Various researchers at the University of California, Irvine, aimed to enhance night vision by making an Artificial Intelligence that fills in the blind spots and colorizes the images. The colorization, however, only works with portraits, but in the near future, it may be possible to colorize other features for a more natural feel that turns night into day.
  • Invisible Night Vision cameras are specifically designed for bird boxes, bird feeders, or other nest boxes monitoring support invisible night vision, which, unlike commonly used security cameras with night vision, are equipped with 940nm infrared(IR) LEDs for illumination and serve bird-friendly night vision because only a dim red light will be emitted, which will not spook birds or wildlife, or disturb their natural sleep cycles if the night vision is turned on automatically in a sudden manner. This enables nature lovers to be able to watch crisp black-and-white images of evening activities of birds or wildlife of interest on their mobile devices, allowing them to explore and enjoy the nightly activities of birds or wildlife of interest.
  • Technical developments in thermal imaging cameras will enable companies to incorporate those techniques in their products and capture a vast market share in the future. For example, Cooled thermal imaging cameras necessitate cooling equipment capable of cooling the camera's thermal detector to temperatures as low as 200 Kelvin (-100 F). Several cooling techniques are currently used, including cryogenic liquefied gases, Peltier coolers, and Stirling coolers. A stirling cooler is a cooling device that alternately compresses and releases gas to regulate temperature.
  • These night-vision systems are subjected to challenging battlefield circumstances and extensive military use. The expense of replacing and maintaining a night vision gadget is prohibitively expensive. Refurbishment, repair, or upgrade is a low-cost alternative solution. The increased prices of near-vision device systems relate to practical and durable hardware. Because an image tube can cost millions of dollars to develop, build, and install, the equipment contains a more significant capital expenditure necessary to invest in it. Because of the sensitivity of the cooled infrared detector system, cooled thermal imaging cameras give the best image quality and the most significant variation in ambient temperature. Still, the cooling systems have a limited lifetime.
  • During COVID-19, the South Diego Chula Vista Police Department announced an investment of over USD 11,000 in acquiring two drones equipped with night vision cameras to mitigate the risk for the officers in these areas. The department aimed to watch over people living on the streets with these drones amid the outbreak. Even in most of the countries, the use of night vision cameras has been increased significantly, In Post COVID scenario, India planned to deploy drones powered by artificial intelligence to zoom in on these localities with night-vision cameras.

Night Vision Camera Market Trends

Military and Defense Segment is Expected to Drive the Market

  • The widespread utilization of night vision devices in military defense and law enforcement applications is motivated by the necessity for enhanced situational awareness, target identification, and operational effectiveness in low-light and nighttime circumstances. Military forces heavily depend on night vision technology, with special forces utilizing night vision goggles (NVGs) in discreet missions like those undertaken by the US Navy SEALs during critical operations. Similarly, law enforcement agencies rely on night vision devices for surveillance, search & rescue efforts, and crowd control.
  • Moreover, the countries are making significant investments in Military and defense, which requires the high use of vision cameras. Such investments are also likely to boost the demand in the market. For instance, In Feb 2022, The Finance Minister of India allocated INR 525,166.15 crore (USD 63.05 billion) to the Ministry of Defense for the fiscal year 2022-23. This represents an increase of INR 46,970 crore (USD 5.64 billion), or 10%, over the previous year's allocation of INR 478,196 crore (USD 57.41 billion) and the most significant rise in the defense budget in recent years.
  • Similarly, In March 2022, According to draught budget recommendations, the Chinese government proposed a defense budget of JPY 1.45 trillion (USD 230 billion) for the fiscal year 2022, a 7.1% rise year on year. China's increase in defense spending coincides with the People's Liberation Army's increasing muscle-flexing in the vital Indo-Pacific. In 2020, China's defense spending, for the first time, crossed USD 200 billion. In 2021 the defense budget grew by 6.8% to USD 209 billion.
  • According to the UK parliament, defense spending in 2020/21 was GBP 42.4 billion (USD 53.69 billion) in cash terms. This is a nominal rise of GBP 2.5 billion (USD 3.17 billion) over the previous year and a natural increase of GBP 1.7 billion (USD 2.15 billion). As a result, the yearly defense budget in 2024/25 will be GBP 6.2 billion (USD 7.85 billion) more in cash terms than in 2020/21. However, the real worth of this spending rise is lower, especially in light of growing inflation. Defense spending is estimated to rise by GBP 1.5 billion (USD1.90 billion) when adjusted for inflation.
  • The United States military also utilizes AI-enabled night vision devices, which are affixed to a soldier's helmet and provide alerts regarding potential suspicious activity. To facilitate that decision-making, Secretary of Defense Esper launched a comprehensive Defense-Wide Review, which resulted in nearly USD 5.7 billion in savings for FY 2021, USD 0.2 billion in Working Capital Fund efficiencies, and another USD 2.1 billion in activities and functions realigned to the Services. This program enabled the Department better to resource higher-level National Defense Strategy (NDS) priorities.
  • According to NATO, the United States will spend an estimated USD 821 billion on defense in 2022. As a result, their defense spending is the largest among NATO countries. The United Kingdom has the second biggest defense spending, at USD 72 billion s and germany USD 62 billion, france USD 55 billion.

Asia-Pacific to Witness the Significant Growth

  • The Night Vision cameras market is expected to grow significantly in Asia-Pacific, owing to rising government spending on defense infrastructure for enhanced personnel capabilities. Further, with the development of new technologies, the cost of night vision devices is expected to reduce, enabling increased spending by the end-users.
  • Researchers in different regions are experimenting with different materials to increase the efficiency of the products. According to the researchers, the ultra-thin film, constructed of a gallium arsenide semiconductor, might also be used to develop tiny and flexible infrared sensors. Though it is yet a proof of concept, the researchers believe it has the potential to be a low-cost and lightweight replacement for large night-vision goggles used in military, police, and security settings. A team of Australian and European academics created the film, and details were published in Advanced Photonics. It transforms infrared light, which is ordinarily invisible to humans, into visible light.
  • Additionally, many governments prefer night vision capabilities for their smart camera installations. For instance, in March 2022, In India, the Delhi government intends to complete the final part of the CCTV camera installation project. Due to pandemic-related constraints, the public works department (PWD) claimed 1,33,000 CCTV cameras had been installed in the last two years, compared to a target of 1.4 lakhs. PWD intends to use 30-40 cameras to cover areas overseen by each market and resident welfare association. The four-megapixel cameras are installed on a pole or a wall and contain a night-vision feature for optimal video quality.
  • The growing investment in security surveillance, especially in emerging countries, drives the demand for the studied market products. For instance, countries like China and India increasingly invest in these technologies, motivating foreign and local manufacturers to invest in the market. This is bringing advancement and innovation into the studied market. Moreover, regional companies are raising investments to develop and produce night vision devices. In April 2022, Shenzhen GD Digital Ltd., based in China, launched a Kickstarter fundraiser for GAODI night goggles, a compact, lightweight night vision solution with dual TFT 1.4-inch displays, offering a resolution of 390 x 390. Such devices are likely to boost the demand in the market.
  • High-quality intelligent video surveillance would be the future of the security industry. With the introduction of new advanced technologies, the functions of today's surveillance systems are becoming more sophisticated and smarter. With the integration of several techniques: networking, multi-core processing, digital signal processing, image processing, and high-capacity storage, intelligent surveillance systems have and would gradually replace older systems. Which will provide significant growth for night vision surveillance systems in the future.

Night Vision Camera Industry Overview

The night vision cameras market is fragmented, with several companies operating in the market. Leading players are currently focusing on providing technologically advanced products to customers. Increasing demand for night vision cameras, with their cost decreasing in the long run, is expected to encourage investors to invest in this technology in the next few years, which will likely create more market competition. Key players are Intevac Inc., Photonis USA Inc., and Elbit Systems Ltd. Recent developments in the market are:

  • June 2023: TP-Link's latest Tapo outdoor security camera has impressive color night vision capabilities. According to TP-Link, the ColorPro night vision technology in the Tapo C325WB can capture vivid images in 2K resolution with HDR, even in extremely low light conditions equivalent to a moonless midnight. Additionally, this camera is compatible with Alexa and Google Assistant and features two-way audio and an onboard siren to discourage unwanted intruders. The camera is weatherproof and offers wireless network connectivity, with the option of using an ethernet port for a reliable cable connection. However, it does require a 3-meter cord for power.
  • April 2023: Douvox announced the launch of their new Kickstarter campaign for the highly anticipated Douvox Ultra night vision camera. Building on the success of their previous product, the Mate Pro Night Vision camera, Douvox is excited to introduce the Douvox Ultra, which offers enhanced image and recording capabilities, making it an invaluable tool for capturing moments even in the darkest of environments. Utilizing a cutting-edge 5MP Sony Starvis high-sensitivity CMOS image sensor, this monocular camera delivers vibrant, full-color FHD video, even in extremely low light scenarios, with a remarkable sensitivity down to 0.001 lux.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Deliverables
  • 1.2 Study Assumptions
  • 1.3 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Introduction to Market Drivers and Restraints
  • 4.3 Market Drivers
    • 4.3.1 Rising Need for Advanced Surveillance Technology
    • 4.3.2 Automotive Night Vision Applications
  • 4.4 Market Restraints
    • 4.4.1 Targetting through Transparent Obstacles
  • 4.5 Industry Value Chain Analysis
  • 4.6 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.6.1 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.6.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers/Consumers
    • 4.6.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.6.4 Threat of Substitute Products
    • 4.6.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry


  • 5.1 By Type
    • 5.1.1 Wired Night Vision Cameras
    • 5.1.2 Wireless Night Vision Cameras
  • 5.2 By End User
    • 5.2.1 Military and Defense
    • 5.2.2 Industrial
    • 5.2.3 Public and Residential Infrastructure
    • 5.2.4 Transportation
    • 5.2.5 Research
    • 5.2.6 Other End Users
  • 5.3 Geography
    • 5.3.1 North America
    • 5.3.2 Europe
    • 5.3.3 Asia-Pacific
    • 5.3.4 Rest of the World


  • 6.1 Company Profiles
    • 6.1.1 Intevac Inc.
    • 6.1.2 Photonis
    • 6.1.3 Elbit Systems Ltd
    • 6.1.4 Rockwell Collins Inc.
    • 6.1.5 FLIR Systems Inc.
    • 6.1.6 Panasonic Corporation
    • 6.1.7 BAE Systems PLC
    • 6.1.8 TAK Technologies Private Limited
    • 6.1.9 Harris Corporation
    • 6.1.10 Tactical Night Vision Company Inc.
    • 6.1.11 General Dynamics Global Imaging Technologies Inc.
    • 6.1.12 Nivisys LLC
    • 6.1.13 Sony Corporation
    • 6.1.14 Sharp Corporation