
倉庫機器人 - 市場佔有率分析、產業趨勢與統計、成長預測(2024 - 2029)

Warehouse Robotics - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2024 - 2029)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 120 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內




倉儲機器人市場規模預計到 2024 年為 79.3 億美元,預計到 2029 年將達到 179.1 億美元,在預測期內(2024-2029 年)CAGR為 17.70%。

倉庫機器人 - 市場

工業物聯網 (IIoT) 的出現和互聯系統網路的出現正在幫助各行業執行多種任務,例如物料配料、揀選、訂購、包裝、倉庫安全和檢查,並改善營運效率大幅提升。


  • 全球電子商務行業的成長以及對高效倉儲和庫存管理不斷成長的需求正在推動市場的成長。倉儲自動化為降低整體業務成本和減少產品交付錯誤提供了極大的便利。著名 3PL 公司和倉庫自動化解決方案的重要最終用戶 DHL 表示,儘管有這些優勢,但 80% 的倉庫「仍然是手動操作,沒有自動化支援」。此外,使用輸送機、分類機、取放解決方案以及其他設備(不一定是自動化)的倉庫佔倉庫總數的 15%。相比之下,目前只有 5% 的倉庫是自動化的。
  • 重大技術進步,例如能夠增強物件感知和精確定位系統的感測器技術,為機器人產業探索各種倉儲應用中未開發的潛力,同時實現最佳操作流程和物流效率等成就奠定了基礎。跨越不同的垂直行業。
  • 據美國銀行稱,到 2025 年,45% 的製造任務將由機器人技術執行。隨著這一新興趨勢,印度著名紡織公司雷蒙德有限公司和三星等大型科技製造商的中國供應商富士康科技等大公司透過將自動化技術融入他們的生產中,分別取代了10,000 名和60,000 名工人。工廠。
  • 這些因素直接影響了倉庫機器人技術的日益普及。倉庫數量的增加和倉庫自動化投資的增加,加上全球勞動力成本的上升和可擴展技術解決方案的可用性,一直在推動全球倉庫機器人市場的發展。例如,儘管商業租賃環境不利,美國的知名物流品牌,如 DHL、XPO Logistics 和 NFI Logistics 仍在投資擴張活動。
  • 在 COVID-19 爆發期間,機器人和自動化在管理局勢方面發揮了關鍵作用。此外,這種情況可能會為市場帶來新的機會。英國線上雜貨商 Ocado 的目標是向其他超市提供其倉庫機器人和雜貨送貨上門技術,但需支付許可費。自2020年5月以來,許多倉庫場地在封鎖後開始運作後已恢復正常。然而,2020 年頭四個月造成的波動可能會導致整個倉庫機器人供應鏈全年的訂單延遲和交貨時間。
  • 儘管機器人技術已經取得了重大進步,但在管理組織良好的倉庫方面,人類勞動力仍然佔上風。對美國和歐洲長期勞動力短缺的預測以及供應鏈需要快速、更準確地交付訂單的持續壓力,促使營運高管在尋找解決人員配置課題的答案時認真評估這個問題。


SKU 數量不斷增加


根據《材料管理和分銷報告》,及時投放、直接面對消費者的分銷以及零售商與批發商關係的轉變減少了分銷商接受的大托盤訂單的數量。因此,擴大小型、多個 SKU 訂單正在推動倉庫自動化。

自動化、高效的小型負載存儲和檢索系統(AS/RS) 透過利用輕型起重機來解決這個市場問題,該起重機可以對單個手提箱、箱子、托盤和板條箱進行分類,同時最佳化存儲並釋放關鍵的交付和勞動力資源。這些系統透過自動化關鍵流程(包括貨物到達、最大化庫存儲存以及履行出庫運輸訂單)來提高供應鏈效率。因此,SKU 數量的增加將推動預測期內 AS/RS 系統的採用。


由於全球倉庫對貨物運輸進行了大量投資,因此安全性一直是一個令人擔憂的問題。因此,倉庫安全機器人將在未來幾年受到關注。倉庫安全機器人旨在自動化週邊安全的枯燥和危險的功能,同時使人類能夠執行更高級別的任務,例如遠端機器人車輛操作和監控。規模的增加有助於倉庫應對更高的數量和越來越多的 SKU。



在倉庫機器人解決方案成功的推動下,供應商正在加強對倉庫機器人的採用。例如,總部位於武漢的中國電子商務巨頭京東在其自動化倉庫中經營一支機器人車隊,為封鎖後在線上購物的居民提供必需品。該公司聲稱,在疫情期間,其每日訂單量從約 60 萬份成長到單週翻倍。




倉庫機器人市場適度分散,並由競爭激烈的參與者組成。就市場佔有率而言,ABB Ltd、霍尼韋爾和 Kiva Systems 等主要參與者目前佔據市場主導地位。這些擁有重要市場佔有率的主要參與者正在各個地區擴大其客戶群。許多公司正在與多家新創公司建立策略合作夥伴關係,以增加其市場佔有率和獲利能力。

2023 年 7 月,領先的物流整合商馬士基宣布,正在英國東米德蘭茲的一個倉庫實施人工智慧機器人解決方案。據該公司稱,美國 Berkshire Grey 公司推出的這款最先進的機器人穿梭牆系統將顯著自動化、增強和加速 685,000 平方英尺設施中的倉庫運作。

2023 年 3 月,一家為倉庫和物流站點設計和開發自主移動機器人的日本新創公司 LexxPluss 宣布計劃進軍美國市場,並在 A 輪融資中註入約 1,070 萬美元新資金。此輪融資由 Drone Fund 和 SOSV 的 HAX、Incubate Fund、SBI Investment 和 DBJ Capital 領投。


  • Excel 格式的市場估算 (ME) 表
  • 3 個月的分析師支持


第 1 章:簡介

  • 研究假設和市場定義
  • 研究範圍

第 2 章:研究方法

第 3 章:執行摘要

第 4 章:市場洞察

  • 市場概況
  • 產業吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 買家的議價能力
    • 供應商的議價能力
    • 新進入者的威脅
    • 替代產品的威脅
    • 競爭激烈程度
  • 產業價值鏈分析
  • COVID-19 對產業影響的評估

第 5 章:市場動態

  • 市場促進因素
    • SKU 數量不斷增加
    • 增加對科技和機器人技術的投資
  • 市場課題
    • 嚴格的監管要求
    • 成本高

第 6 章:市場區隔

  • 依類型
    • 工業機器人
    • 分類系統
    • 輸送機
    • 碼高機
    • 自動儲存和檢索系統(ASRS)
    • 移動機器人(AGV 和 AMR)
  • 依功能分類
    • 貯存
    • 包裝
    • 轉運
    • 其他功能
  • 依最終用戶產業
    • 食品與飲品
    • 汽車
    • 零售
    • 電氣和電子
    • 製藥
    • 其他最終用戶產業
  • 依地理
    • 北美洲
      • 美國
      • 加拿大
    • 歐洲
      • 英國
      • 德國
      • 法國
      • 歐洲其他地區
    • 亞太
      • 中國
      • 韓國
      • 日本
      • 亞太其他地區
    • 拉丁美洲
    • 中東和非洲

第 7 章:競爭格局

  • 公司簡介
    • ABB Limited
    • Kiva Systems (Amazon Robotics LLC)
    • TGW Logistics Group GMBH
    • Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd (Aethon Incorporation)
    • InVia Robotics Inc.
    • Fanuc Corporation
    • Honeywell International Incorporation
    • Toshiba Corporation
    • Omron Adept Technologies
    • Yaskawa Electric Corporation (Yaskawa Motoman)
    • Kuka AG
    • Fetch Robotics Inc.
    • Geek+ Inc.
    • Grey Orange Pte Ltd
    • Hangzhou Hikrobot Technology Co. Ltd
    • Syrius Robotics
    • Locus Robotics

第 8 章:投資分析

第 9 章:市場的未來

Product Code: 56441

The Warehouse Robotics Market size is estimated at USD 7.93 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 17.91 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 17.70% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

Warehouse Robotics - Market

The emergence of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and the advent of a network of connected systems are helping industries perform a multitude of tasks, such as material batching, picking, ordering, packaging, warehouse security, and inspection, as well as improve the operational efficiency by huge margins.

Key Highlights

  • The growth in the e-commerce industry worldwide and the growing need for efficient warehousing and inventory management are driving the market's growth. Automation in warehousing offers extreme convenience in cutting down overall business costs and reducing errors in product deliveries. According to DHL, a prominent 3PL company and a significant end-user of warehouse automation solutions, despite the advantages, 80% of warehouses are 'still manually operated with no supporting automation.' Further, warehouses that use conveyors, sorters, and pick and place solutions, among other equipment (not necessarily automated), account for 15% of total warehouses. In contrast, only 5% of current warehouses are automatic.
  • Significant technological advancements, such as sensor technologies that enable an enhanced object perception and an accurate positioning system, have made way for the robotics industry to explore the untapped potential in various warehousing applications while attaining an optimal operational flow and logistics efficiency, among other accomplishments, across the different industry verticals.
  • According to the Bank of America, by 2025, 45% of all manufacturing tasks will be executed by robotic technology. With this emerging trend, large firms, such as Raymond Limited, a prominent Indian textile company, and Foxconn Technology, a China-based supplier for large technology manufacturers like Samsung, have replaced 10,000 and 60,000 workers, respectively, by incorporating automated technology into their factories.
  • These factors have directly impacted the increasing adoption of warehouse robotics. The rising number of warehouses and increasing investments in warehouse automation, coupled with the global rise in labor costs and availability of scalable technological solutions, have been driving the market for warehouse robots worldwide. For instance, prominent logistics brands in the United States, like DHL, XPO Logistics, and NFI Logistics, are investing in expansion activities, despite the adverse commercial renting climate.
  • During the COVID-19 outbreak, robots and automation played a critical role in managing the situation. Further, the situation is likely to bring new opportunities to the market. Ocado, a British online grocer, aims to make its warehouse robotics and grocery home-delivery technology available to other supermarkets for a licensing fee. Since May 2020, many warehouse sites have recovered after starting their operations post lockdown. However, the fluctuations caused in the starting four months of 2020 could result in order delays and lead time across the warehouse robotics supply chain throughout the year.
  • While significant advances have been accomplished in robotics, the human workforce still holds the upper hand in running a well-organized warehouse. Forecast of long-term labor shortages across the United States and Europe and sustained pressure on supply chains to deliver orders quickly and more precisely caused operations executives to seriously assess that question as they look for answers to staffing challenges.

Warehouse Robotics Market Trends

Increasing Number of SKUs

The rising number of SKUs (stock-keeping units) is common in the industry as new products are developed regularly. The amenity of customization and the increasing number of customer choices through the e-commerce platform made the need for an extended inventory, with many options and styles available at the disposal of e-commerce retailers for transmission on request.

According to the Materials Management and Distribution Report, just-in-time placement, direct-to-consumer distribution, & shifting retailer-wholesaler relationships decrease the number of large-pallet orders accepted by distributors. Thus, expanding small, multiple SKU orders is pushing warehouses to automate.

Automated, efficient mini-load storage & retrieval systems (AS/RS) look at this market issue by utilizing lightweight cranes that can sort individual totes, cases, trays, and crates while optimizing storage and releasing key delivery & labor resources. These systems increase supply chain efficiency by automating critical processes, including goods arrival, maximized inventory storage, and the fulfillment of outbound shipping orders. Hence, the growing number of SKUs will drive the adoption of AS/RS systems during the forecast period.

Furthermore, with warehouses experiencing long-term labor shortages and increasing demand due to the booming e-commerce industry, companies are turning to warehouse automation hardware and software solutions to stay competitive in an uncertain and challenging economic landscape. For instance, according to the US Census Bureau and the US Department of Commerce, in Q1 2023, the share of e-commerce to the total retail sales in United States reached 15.1%, compared to 14.9% in Q1 2021.

With huge investments in the movement of goods through the world's warehouses, security is an ongoing concern. Thus, warehouse security robots will gain traction in the coming years. Warehouse security robots are designed to automate perimeter security's dull and dangerous functions while empowering humans for higher-level taskings like remote robotic vehicle operation and monitoring. The increase in size helps warehouses cope with higher volumes and a growing number of SKUs.

Asia-Pacific is Expected to Hold Significant Market Share

The manufacturing sector is anticipated to account for a significant market share and become one of the key contributors in the region, with investments in the industry increasing massively. As warehouses play a crucial role in manufacturing both for storing raw materials/components and finished products, the expansion of the manufacturing industry will drive the demand for warehouse robotics in the Asia Pacific region.

Driven by the success of robotics solutions in warehouses, vendors are enhancing their adoption of warehouse robots. For instance, JD.com, a Chinese e-commerce giant based out of Wuhan, operates a fleet of robotic vehicles in its automated warehouses to supply essential goods to online residents shopping post lockdowns. The company claims it witnessed a growth in daily orders from about 600,000 to double in a single week during the pandemic.

South Korea's population is aging fast. By mid-century, it will have one of the most senior populations from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries, just after Japan, Italy, and Greece. Furthermore, the South Korean government boosted the country's small and mid-size manufacturing companies, establishing 30,000 smart factories by 2022. Due to this, most manufacturing units enforce warehouse robots to maintain competitiveness and drive efficiency in the warehousing process.

In recent years, the e-commerce industry in the Asia Pacific region has witnessed unprecedentedted growth. Countries like China and India has emerged as the global hotspot for e-commerce companies owing to the presence of a large customer base and a rising penetration of smartphones and digital technologies among them. As a result, the warehousing industry is also on the rise, creating opportunities in the studied market.

Warehouse Robotics Industry Overview

The warehouse robotics market is moderately fragmented and consists of highly competitive players. Regarding market share, some major players, such as ABB Ltd, Honeywell, and Kiva Systems, currently dominate the market. These major players with a significant market share are expanding their customer base across various regions. Many companies are forming strategic and collaborative partnerships with multiple startup companies to increase their market share and profitability.

In July 2023, Maersk, a leading integrator of logistics, announced that it is implementing an AI-enabled robotic solution in one of the warehouses in East Midlands, UK. According to the company, this state-of-the-art Robotic Shuttle Put Wall System by Berkshire Grey, a US-based company, will significantly automate, enhance, and accelerate warehouse operations in the 685,000 sq ft facility.

In March 2023, LexxPluss, a Japan-based startup that designs and develops autonomous mobile robots for warehouses & logistics sites, announced their plans to enter the US market with a fresh injection of approximately USD 10.7 million in Series A funding. The funding round was led by Drone Fund and SOSV's HAX, Incubate Fund, SBI Investment, and DBJ Capital.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.2.1 Bargaining Power of Buyers
    • 4.2.2 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.2.3 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.2.4 Threat of Substitute Products
    • 4.2.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.3 Industry Value Chain Analysis
  • 4.4 Assessment of the Impact of COVID-19 on the Industry


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 Increasing Number of SKUs
    • 5.1.2 Increasing Investments in Technology and Robotics
  • 5.2 Market Challenges
    • 5.2.1 Stringent Regulatory Requirements
    • 5.2.2 High Cost


  • 6.1 By Type
    • 6.1.1 Industrial Robots
    • 6.1.2 Sortation Systems
    • 6.1.3 Conveyors
    • 6.1.4 Palletizers
    • 6.1.5 Automated Storage and Retrieval System (ASRS)
    • 6.1.6 Mobile Robots (AGVs and AMRs)
  • 6.2 By Function
    • 6.2.1 Storage
    • 6.2.2 Packaging
    • 6.2.3 Trans-shipment
    • 6.2.4 Other Functions
  • 6.3 By End-user Industry
    • 6.3.1 Food and Beverage
    • 6.3.2 Automotive
    • 6.3.3 Retail
    • 6.3.4 Electrical and Electronics
    • 6.3.5 Pharmaceutical
    • 6.3.6 Other End-user Industries
  • 6.4 By Geography
    • 6.4.1 North America
      • United States
      • Canada
    • 6.4.2 Europe
      • United Kingdom
      • Germany
      • France
      • Rest of Europe
    • 6.4.3 Asia-Pacific
      • China
      • South Korea
      • Japan
      • Rest of Asia-Pacific
    • 6.4.4 Latin America
    • 6.4.5 Middle-East and Africa


  • 7.1 Company Profiles
    • 7.1.1 ABB Limited
    • 7.1.2 Kiva Systems (Amazon Robotics LLC)
    • 7.1.3 TGW Logistics Group GMBH
    • 7.1.4 Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd (Aethon Incorporation)
    • 7.1.5 InVia Robotics Inc.
    • 7.1.6 Fanuc Corporation
    • 7.1.7 Honeywell International Incorporation
    • 7.1.8 Toshiba Corporation
    • 7.1.9 Omron Adept Technologies
    • 7.1.10 Yaskawa Electric Corporation (Yaskawa Motoman)
    • 7.1.11 Kuka AG
    • 7.1.12 Fetch Robotics Inc.
    • 7.1.13 Geek+ Inc.
    • 7.1.14 Grey Orange Pte Ltd
    • 7.1.15 Hangzhou Hikrobot Technology Co. Ltd
    • 7.1.16 Syrius Robotics
    • 7.1.17 Locus Robotics