
ITAD(IT 資產處置)市場 - 增長、趨勢、COVID-19 影響和預測 (2023-2028)

It Asset Disposition Market - Growth, Trends, and Forecasts (2023 - 2028)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 120 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內




ITAD(IT 資產適當處置)市場預計在預測期內以 10.3% 的複合年增長率增長。

消費電子產品需求的穩步增長以及消費者對有效處置 IT 資產的重要性的認識不斷提高,推動了 ITAD 服務的採用。


  • ITAD 是一項回收、再利用和維修舊 IT 設備以減少其對環境影響的服務。可以通過重複使用 IT 設備的內部部件來減少電子垃圾。同時,重金屬和塑料從環境中移除並可回收利用。
  • 一些公司必須選擇維修、轉售、回收或處置,而另一些公司則有結構化的電子產品更換週期。在內部,IT 資產的處置部分由資產管理、採購管理和風險管理處理。公司還可以與外部 ITAD 運營商合作。
  • 這些公司通常提供安全的數據銷毀和電子垃圾回收。ITAD 供應商幫助客戶在處置其 IT 資產時節省資金並恢復其設備的價值。ITAD 的擴張是由於客戶對有效處置 IT 資產的重要性的認識不斷提高。企業強調雲計算的好處。因此,從本地 IT 到雲端的轉變已成為市場驅動力。
  • 近年來,對 ITAD 的需求顯著增加,這主要是由於人們越來越關注環境保護、數據安全和法規遵從性。對卓越的電子垃圾處理技術的需求、公司必須遵守的環境法規以及產生的大量電子垃圾都有助於銷售。據預測,由於最先進技術支持的 BYOD 盛行,對 ITAD 的需求將很快顯著增加。
  • 然而,認知度低、服務成本高以及缺乏全面的 ITAD 政策是市場面臨的主要挑戰。此外,回收經濟性和回收材料的生產價值也在 ITAD 業務中發揮著重要作用。
  • COVID-19 大流行病影響了地球上的大多數國家。發展速度一直是IT企業頭疼的問題,需要對過剩設備進行高效管理。由於大流行導致遠程工作增加,公司被迫購買新的 IT 設備。由於與遠程工作相關的 IT 資產採購的擴大,問題是公司將如何管理電子資產和 IT 資產浪費的增加。由於大流行,對 ITAD 的需求呈指數級增長。

ITAD 市場趨勢


  • HIPAA/HITECH 和 NIST 等各種法規要求公司定期審查他們如何管理老化的 IT 設備。大多數潛在參與者需要更有力的立場來遵守這些法規的應用。此外,由於缺乏安全有序的流程來移除過時的 IT 設備,因此很難發現欺詐或盜竊行為。因此,正確處置計算機和電子設備受多個州和聯邦環境和隱私標準的約束,不這樣做可能會導致巨額罰款、處罰和審計。我有。
  • 由於數據洩露的風險增加,美國證券交易委員會 (SEC) 越來越關注受監管公司實施的網絡安全措施。事實上,作為其網絡安全計劃的一部分,美國證券交易委員會已經創建了一份七頁的文件樣本請求,其中包含 28 個詳盡的問題,供金融機構評估公司的網絡安全準備水平。。這表明 SEC 正在警告金融服務提供商採取行動評估和提高其組織的數據安全性。IT 資產的實物保護是 SEC 關注的領域之一。它包括信息技術資產處置和信息技術資產管理。
  • IBM Security 的數據洩露計算器“檢查數據洩露的成本”估計,美國金融機構每次發生數據洩露平均需要花費 1100 萬美元。除了財務影響外,數據洩露還會損害金融服務公司的品牌並削弱客戶信心。因此,解決數據洩露的最常見原因之一,即 IT 資產在其使用壽命即將結束時的意外處置,並確保必要的安全技術和程序到位是極其重要的。
  • 世界各地的企業都應該有程序來確保保護個人身份信息 (PII)。許多國家/地區已頒布立法,以確保公司有明確的程序來確保在其公司內部保護個人信息。
  • 典型的筆記本電腦可能包含由汞、鉛、鉻和其他重金屬製成的組件,用於發電和保持性能。如果在垃圾填埋場而不是回收設施中處置,這些化學物質會污染附近的地下水、地表水和土壤。這些潛在的後果強調了正確處置 IT 資產以防止意外的環境破壞的重要性。
  • 此外,製造筆記本電腦需要昂貴的材料,如工程塑料、鋼、銅、鋁,以及金、鉑和鈀等貴金屬。一旦筆記本電腦處於“已用”狀態,回收程序將嘗試回收這些材料以供重複使用,但偶爾會出現諸如缺少 unity 播放器 DL 之類的大量錯誤不足以回收。其餘的最終進入垃圾填埋場,它們不再可再生,不能用於製造新物品。通過利用 ITAD,可以挽救這些材料,並使用要轉售的數據清理運營資產。這不僅節省了公司資產,而且在製造過程中也節省了足夠的能源。
  • 總體而言,今年上半年美國發生了 817 起數據洩露事件。與此同時,同期有近5300萬人受到數據入侵的影響,包括數據洩露、數據洩露和數據洩露。三個事件雖然不同,但都具有相似的特點。所有這三起事件都涉及未經授權的威脅行為者獲取敏感數據的訪問權限。


  • 美國和加拿大等國家是領先的 IT 和技術行業,由成熟的行業組成。美國有五家主要的 IT 和技術公司:Alphabet(Google)、Amazon、Apple、Meta、Microsoft。根據美國勞工統計局的數據,去年美國高科技產業對國內生產總值 (GDP) 的貢獻超過 1.8 萬億美元,約佔 GDP 的 9.3%。但據 Earthweb 稱,到今年年底,該國將至少擁有 585,000 家科技公司。
  • 估計顯示,隨著新技術和數字化推動陳舊設備的更新換代,美國 IT 資產的銷售額將迅速增長。在過去幾年中,美國對 ITAD 管理和確保安全處置產生的電子垃圾的需求也激增。
  • ITAD 在預期期間內的使用率預計在美國最高。美國 ITAD 市場受到新技術採用、產品創新、嚴格法規和環保意識的推動。
  • 在美國,一個多方利益相關者志願者團體制定了 R2 標準,這是一套定期修訂和更新的規則,以促進電子回收領域的最佳實踐。R2 標準要求在美國處理電氣和電子廢棄物的企業完成材料跟蹤,驗證所有下游供應商的身份,完全遵守運營廢棄物設施的法律要求,並擁有適當的環境安全管理系統。 ,並且需要為業務連續性和緊急情況實施適當的污染保險政策和財務關閉計劃。這些政策將推動美國的 ITAD 市場。
  • 在加拿大,沒有專門針對電子廢物管理的聯邦法律,但聯邦政府通過制定標準和《有毒物質控制法》間接影響電子廢物監管。加拿大的大部分電子垃圾政策都是在省級制定的,要求對某些電氣和電子產品實施生產者延伸責任 (ERP) 或產品監管。但是,沒有具體的 ITAD 政策,公司通常會求助於外部 ITAD 服務以安全處置資產。
  • 為視聽內容提供流媒體服務的 Netflix 去年的年收入增長了 19%。Meta Platforms(前身為 Facebook Inc.)公佈的同期收入同比增長 37%。此外,Alphabet 的收入同比增長 41%。

ITAD 市場的競爭對手分析

ITAD 市場適度分散,因為它目前由許多參與者組成。ITAD 市場的幾個主要參與者正在不懈努力以取得進展。一些知名公司已開始合作並擴大其在新興市場的足跡,以鞏固其市場地位。該地區的主要參與者包括 Apto Solutions Inc.、Dell Inc.、HPE Asset Recovery Service、IBM Corporation、Iron Mountain Incorporated 等。

2022 年 6 月 - Apto Solutions 宣布發布新的環境影響報告工具,為公司提供專門為支持 ESG 報告而創建的實時數據。該公告是 Apto Solutions 對促進 ITAD 領域創新的持續承諾的一部分。該技術是公司專有 Pulse 平台的擴展,使客戶能夠看到通過使用 Apto 的再利用和回收活動避免的溫室氣體排放。這些減少可以很容易地納入公司更重要的 ESG 計劃中。

2022 年 7 月 - 隨著設施擴建計劃的推進,Iron Mountain 將宣佈在英國開設第一個校區。這座 100 萬平方英尺的工廠將建在 Tritax Big Box 將在 Symmetry Park 場地租用的四棟新建築中。該工廠有望為客戶提供靈活的倉庫空間,並通過其可配置的運營中心提供各種物流服務。


  • Excel 格式的市場預測 (ME) 表
  • 3 個月的分析師支持


第 1 章 簡介

  • 研究假設和市場定義
  • 調查範圍




  • 市場概況
  • 搬運工五力
    • 新進入者的威脅
    • 買方/消費者議價能力
    • 供應商的議價能力
    • 替代品的威脅
    • 競爭對手之間的競爭
  • 評估 COVID-19 對行業的影響


  • 市場驅動力
    • 技術進步和數字化導致舊設備更新換代
    • 對環境保護和合規性的擔憂日益增加
  • 市場挑戰
    • 認知度低,服務成本高


  • 按資產類型
    • 台式機/筆記本電腦
    • 手機
    • 服務器
    • 儲存設備
    • 其他
  • 按公司規模
    • 大公司
    • 中小企業
  • 按終端用戶行業
    • BFSI更多
    • IT/通訊
    • 衛生保健
    • 政府/公共機構
    • 其他最終用戶
  • 按地區
    • 北美
    • 歐洲
    • 亞太地區
    • 世界其他地區


  • Apto Solutions Inc.
  • Dell Inc.
  • Hewlett Packard Enterprise(HPE)
  • DMD Systems
  • Iron Mountain Incorporated
  • Cascade Asset Management
  • Global Resale
  • Horizon Technology
  • IBM Corporation
  • ITRenew
  • Sims Lifecycle Services, Inc.
  • Tech Data Corporation


第九章 市場潛力

Product Code: 93241

IT Asset Disposition Market is expected to grow by 10.3% CAGR in the forecasted period. The adoption of IT asset disposition (ITAD) services is fueled by the steadily increasing demand for consumer electronics and increased consumer awareness of the importance of efficiently disposing of IT assets.

Key Highlights

  • ITAD recycles, repurposes, and fixes old IT equipment to reduce its impact on the environment. The interior parts of IT equipment can be reused to reduce electronic waste. At the same time, heavy metals and plastics are kept out of the environment and can be used for recycling.
  • The decision of whether to repair, resell, recycle, or dispose of outmoded equipment must be made by some businesses, while others have a systematic cycle for replacing electronic gadgets. Internally, the disposition of IT assets is handled in part by asset management, accession, and risk management. A business may collaborate with outside ITAD businesses.
  • These businesses often provide secure data destruction and electronic waste recycling. Suppliers of ITAD assist clients in getting rid of IT assets while saving money and recouping the value of the equipment. Its expansion is driven by clients' increasing awareness of the importance of efficient IT asset disposal. Companies highlight the advantages of cloud computing. As a result, the move to the cloud from on-premise IT is a market driver.
  • The past few years have seen a notable increase in the demand for IT asset disposition, primarily as a result of growing worries about environmental protection, data security, and regulatory compliance. The need for good e-waste disposal techniques, environmental rules that enterprises must follow, and the enormous amount of e-waste generated all contribute to the sales. In addition, it is projected that the BYOD trend, which is becoming increasingly popular and is supported by cutting-edge technology, will greatly increase demand for IT asset disposition shortly.
  • However, low awareness, high service costs, and a lack of comprehensive IT asset disposition policies are the major challenges for the market. Additionally, the economy related to recycling and the output value of the recycled material also acts as a major challenge for the IT Asset Disposition business.
  • The COVID-19 pandemic has afflicted most nations on earth. The development velocity was the main worry for IT organizations, making efficient management of surplus equipment necessary. Businesses had to buy new IT equipment because of the shift to remote work during the pandemic. There have been questions regarding how companies will manage the increases in electronic or IT asset waste that would emerge from the expansion of remote working-related IT asset purchases. The pandemic dramatically boosted the need for IT asset disposition services.

IT Asset Disposition Market Trends

Regulatory Policies for Data Security and Environmental Safety to Drive the Market

  • Companies are required to regularly review their practices for managing outdated IT equipment due to different regulatory compliances, including HIPAA/HITECH and NIST. The majority of potential participants need more solid positions to abide by the application of these regulations. The lack of a safe and orderly process for removing outdated IT equipment can also lead to difficulty in detecting fraud and theft. Therefore, the proper disposal of computers and electronics is governed by several state and federal environmental and privacy standards, and failing to do so may result in significant fines, penalties, and audits.
  • Due to the growing risk of data breaches, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of the United States has increased its focus on the cybersecurity measures that regulated firms are implementing. In fact, as part of its Cybersecurity Initiative, the SEC developed a seven-page sample document request that includes 28 thorough questions for financial institutions and is intended to help businesses assess their level of cybersecurity preparedness. This indicates that the SEC has warned financial service providers to take action to evaluate and improve their organization's data security. The physical protection of IT assets is one area on which the SEC is concentrating. This covers the disposal of information technology assets and information technology asset management.
  • The "Examining the Cost of a Data Breach" data breach calculator from IBM Security estimates that financial institutions in the US will have to shell out an average of USD 11 million for each instance of a data breach. Beyond the monetary impact, data breaches may harm a financial services company's brand and cause clients to lose faith in it. Therefore, it is crucial to address one of the most frequent causes of data breaches, the incorrect disposal of IT assets nearing the end of their lives, and ensure that the necessary security technologies and procedures are in place.
  • Companies worldwide are expected to have procedures to guarantee the protection of personally identifiable information (PII). Many nations have put in place legislation to ensure businesses have clear procedures to guarantee personal data protection within their corporation.
  • A normal laptop can have parts made of mercury, lead, chromium, and other heavy metals that produce electricity and maintain performance. These chemicals could contaminate groundwater, surface water, or the soil nearby if they end up in a landfill as opposed to a recycling facility. These potentially negative effects highlight how crucial it is to dispose of IT assets properly to prevent inadvertent environmental harm.
  • Further, to make a laptop, costly materials such as engineered plastics, steel, copper, aluminum, and precious metals like gold, platinum, and palladium are needed. When laptops reach "end of life" status, recycling programs attempt to recover these materials for reuse, but occasionally even just obtaining numerous errors like the unity player dll not found, were gathered for recycling. The remainder ends up in landfills, which can no longer be used to create new items since they are no longer reclaimable. These materials can be retrieved with the aid of ITAD, and working assets can be cleaned up together with their data and sold once more. This not only allows businesses to save on their assets but also saves adequate energy during the manufacturing process.
  • The overall number of data compromises in the United States during the first half of the current year was 817. Meanwhile, approximately 53 million people were impacted by data intrusions during the same period, including data breaches, data leaking, and data exposure. Even though they are three distinct occurrences, they all have similar traits. An unauthorized threat actor accesses the sensitive data as a result of all three instances.

North America to Lead the Market

  • Countries like the United States and Canada consist of leading and established IT and Technology industries. The United States is home to the big five IT and Technology companies like Alphabet(Google), Amazon, Apple, Meta, and Microsoft. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the United States tech industry contributed over USD 1.8 trillion to the nation's overall gross domestic product (GDP) last year, accounting for about 9.3% of the total GDP. However, according to Earth web, the country had at least 585,000 technology companies by the end of the current year.
  • According to estimates, the sale of US IT assets will increase rapidly due to the introduction of new technology and digitalization, which will cause obsolete equipment to be replaced. Additionally, during the past few years, demand for ITAD has surged in the US to manage and guarantee the safe disposal of the created e-waste.
  • During the anticipated period, the US will use ITAD the most frequently. The US IT asset disposition market is expanding due to adopting new technology, product innovation, strict regulations, and environmental consciousness.
  • A multi-stakeholder volunteer group in the US developed the R2 Standard, a periodically revised and updated rule to promote best practices in the electronics recycling sector. Businesses that dispose of electrical and electronic waste in the US are required by the R2 Standard to complete material tracking, conduct background checks on all downstream vendors, fully adhere to legal requirements for operating waste facilities, certify themselves with an appropriate environmental safety management system, and have an adequate pollution insurance policy and financial closure plan in place for business continuity and emergencies. Such policies will drive the ITAD market in the United States.
  • Although no federal legislation in Canada specifically addresses e-waste management, the federal government indirectly influences the regulation of e-waste through the establishment of standards and its toxic substance control legislation. Most of Canada's e-waste policies are set at the provincial level and call for extended producer responsibility (ERP) or product stewardship for certain electrical and electronic items. However, there is no specific ITAD policy, but the companies usually hire external IT Asset Disposition services for safe Asset Disposition.
  • Netflix, a streaming service for audiovisual content, boosted its yearly income by 19% last year. Meta Platforms (previously Facebook Inc.) saw year-over-year revenue growth of 37% during the same period. Additionally, Alphabet's revenue increased by 41% year over year.

IT Asset Disposition Market Competitor Analysis

The IT Asset Disposition Market is moderately fragmented as it currently consists of many players. Several key players in the IT asset disposition markets are in constant efforts to bring advancements. A few prominent companies enter collaborations and expand their footprints in developing regions to consolidate their positions in the market. Major players in the region are Apto Solutions Inc., Dell Inc., HPE Asset Recovery Service, IBM Corporation, Iron Mountain Incorporated, and others.

In June 2022 - Apto Solutions announced the release of its new Environmental Impact Reporting Tool, which provides businesses with real-time data specifically created to support ESG reporting. This announcement is part of Apto Solutions' ongoing efforts to promote innovation in the IT asset disposition (ITAD) sector. The technology, which is an extension of their current proprietary Pulse platform, enables clients to view the amount of greenhouse gas emissions avoided from reuse and recycling activities using Apto. These savings can be readily considered in a company's more significant ESG initiatives.

In July 2022 - Iron Mountain will announce the opening of its first campus in the United Kingdom as the facility expansion program progresses. Four buildings that Tritax Big Box would lease on its new Symmetry Park property would house the one million square foot plant. It is expected to offer adaptable warehouse space to clients and supply various logistical services from a configurable operations center.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumption and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Porter Five Forces
    • 4.2.1 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.2.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers/Consumers
    • 4.2.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.2.4 Threat of Substitute Products
    • 4.2.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.3 Assessment of the Impact of Covid-19 on the Industry


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 Technological Advancements and Digitalization Leading to the Replacement of Old Equipment
    • 5.1.2 Rising Concerns About Conserving the Environment and Regulatory Compliance
  • 5.2 Market Challenges
    • 5.2.1 Low Awareness and High Service Costs


  • 6.1 By Asset Type
    • 6.1.1 Desktop/Laptop
    • 6.1.2 Mobile Phones
    • 6.1.3 Servers
    • 6.1.4 Storage Devices
    • 6.1.5 Others
  • 6.2 By Enterprise Size
    • 6.2.1 Large Enterprise
    • 6.2.2 Small and Medium Enterprise
  • 6.3 By End-user Industry
    • 6.3.1 BFSI
    • 6.3.2 IT and Telecom
    • 6.3.3 Healthcare
    • 6.3.4 Government and Public Institutions
    • 6.3.5 Other End-user Industries
  • 6.4 By Region
    • 6.4.1 North America
    • 6.4.2 Europe
    • 6.4.3 Asia-Pacific
    • 6.4.4 Rest of the World


  • 7.1 Apto Solutions Inc.
  • 7.2 Dell Inc.
  • 7.3 Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE)
  • 7.4 DMD Systems
  • 7.5 Iron Mountain Incorporated
  • 7.6 Cascade Asset Management
  • 7.7 Global Resale
  • 7.8 Horizon Technology
  • 7.9 IBM Corporation
  • 7.10 ITRenew
  • 7.11 Sims Lifecycle Services, Inc.
  • 7.12 Tech Data Corporation