美國白內障市場(2024):MedOp 指數分析

美國白內障市場(2024):MedOp 指數分析

2024 United States Cataract Atlas Featuring the Market Scope Exclusive MedOp Index Analysis

出版日期: | 出版商: Market Scope, LLC | 英文 | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內


本報告考察了美國白內障市場,並對美國 85 個大都會區的傳統和優質白內障手術機會進行了區域分析。我們依大都會區、更新的手術量和患者人口統計數據以及人口概況提供市場機會。


  • 大都會區和地區的 MedOp Index (TM) 分析排名和基準
  • 外科醫師概況:依病例量類別和平均每年人工水晶體手術病例數劃分的外科醫師數量
  • ASC 概況:依類別劃分的 ASC 數量以及大都會區每個 ASC 的平均年手術量
  • 手術概況:依類型劃分的人工水晶體手術數量和優質手術率
  • 宣傳 FLACS 的醫療機構數量
  • MedOp Index (TM) 分析:關鍵患者人口統計(依年齡組、財富、健康狀況劃分的人口)以及白內障外科醫生的數量和集中度
  • 人口統計概況:依年齡組別劃分的人口、高機會人口、假性近視患者、年齡中位數、家庭收入中位數
  • 散光人群:依年齡組別劃分的人口和以嚴重程度劃分的人口

What's New:

The "2024 United States Cataract Atlas" features a new directory of practices offering cataract surgery, with a filter to easily navigate to practices with co-located ASCs. The new atlas includes updated procedure volume estimates and patient demographic data, in addition to state and regional aggregates of all key metrics.

The "2024 United States Cataract Atlas" provides a geographic analysis of the conventional and premium cataract surgery opportunity in 85 US metropolitan areas. Market Scope's proprietary MedOp Index(TM) Analysis examines market potential and provides a benchmark against other metros. The atlas offers strategic insights into the top potential markets in the US, which companies often use throughout the development and commercialization processes to identify ideal clinical trial locations, develop launch strategies, define sales territories, allocate resources, and optimize sales and marketing initiatives.


The atlas offers an in-depth examination of IOL opportunity, and Market Scope's MedOp Index(TM) Analysis integrates multiple variables to illustrate US market opportunity by metro area. The following information is included for 85 metropolitan areas:

  • MedOp Index(TM) Analysis ranking and benchmark against metros and region
  • Surgeon profiles: count of surgeons by volume category (ultra-high, high, medium, low) and average annual IOL procedure volumes
  • ASC profiles: count of ASCs by volume category, and average annual procedures per ASC per metropolitan area
  • Procedure profiles: IOL procedure count by type (conventional, premium, RLE) and premium procedure rate
  • Count of practices advertising FLACS
  • MedOp Index(TM) Analysis detail: key patient demographics (population by age groups, wealth, health) and volume and concentration of cataract surgeons
  • Demographic profiles: population by age group, high opportunity population, pseudophakics, median age, and median household income
  • Astigmatism population: population by age group and severity

Author Profile:

Chelsea Jones, MBA

Chelsea has over 10 years of experience as an analyst in multiple medical verticals.

After receiving her MBA, Chelsea began her career at Cerner Corporation, the leading supplier of healthcare information technology solutions, where she performed many analytical roles in the Population Health organization. She also has experience in crafting and executing competitive intelligence strategy, product development, and market opportunity assessment.

Chelsea authors the global ophthalmic laser report, the global refractive report, the global cornea report, the ophthalmic deals book, the US cataract atlas,the US refractive atlas, the US glaucoma atlas, and the US dry eye atlas. She is also a contributor to Market Scope's Ophthalmic Market Perspectives monthly industry newsletter.