

2023 Fundus Imaging Market Report: Global Analysis for 2022 to 2028

出版日期: | 出版商: Market Scope, LLC | 英文 | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內



本報告分析了全球眼底成像市場,並分析了39製造商提供的80種設備。我們根據價格和功能將市場分為五類細分市場並進行研究和估計。 我們還按類別提供詳細的模型回顧以及主要地區眼底成像設備監管流程的資訊。

本報告全面分析了全球眼底影像設備市場(截至2023年)的最新趨勢,並對未來五年的市場表現進行了預測。 它還討論了重要的市場趨勢和未來成功的關鍵因素。

本報告提供了眼底成像設備的背景信息,並預測了五類設備的未來趨勢:眼底篩檢儀、診斷眼底成像、高級眼底成像、組合系統和手持系統。Masu。 基本估算包括設備銷售、安裝、平均價格以及參與市場的製造商的資訊。


  • 眼底成像設備的背景資訊
  • 眼底影像設備:分類、主要特性、競爭對手
  • 估算已售設備數量、已安裝設備數量及平均價格
  • 製造商資訊
  • 按製造商劃分的市場份額

What's New:

The "2023 Fundus Imaging Market Report" analyzes 80 devices from 39 manufacturers and categorizes the market into five segments based on device price and features. It also features an in-depth review of models by category and discussion of regulatory processes in key geographies for fundus imaging devices.

This report offers a comprehensive analysis of the 2023 global market for fundus imaging devices and forecasts market performance over the next five years. It discusses important trends and key factors for future success.

The report provides background information about fundus imaging devices and divides estimates into five categories: fundus screeners, diagnostic fundus imaging, advanced fundus imaging, combination systems, and hand-held systems. Estimates include unit sales, installed equipment base, average prices, and information about the manufacturers that participate in the market.

This report is a specialized supplement, expanding on the fundus imaging section of Market Scope's comprehensive, global "2023 Ophthalmic Diagnostic Equipment Market Report."

  • Background information on fundus imaging equipment
  • Fundus imaging system segmentation, key features, and competitors.
  • Estimates of unit sales, installed equipment bases, and average prices
  • Information about manufacturers
  • Manufacturer market share.

Author Profile:

Rashad Myers, MBA

Rashad Myers has recently undertaken a pivot in his career in joining Market Scope and the ophthalmic industry. Prior to joining Market Scope, he spent the last 6 years in Procurement and Supply Chain Management at a company in the mining industry. Most recently, he specialized in the management of various commodities programs. Before that, he spent 5 years in inside sales in the steel industry.

Rashad earned his Masters of Business Administration from Webster University.