

Regenerative Medicine Market - Forecasts from 2023 to 2028

出版日期: | 出版商: Knowledge Sourcing Intelligence | 英文 139 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內






此外,再生醫學廣泛應用於各醫學領域。目前正在研究治療阿茲海默症、帕金森氏症、多發性硬化症等神經系統疾病以及心臟病(這是全球主要死亡原因)。例如,幹細胞療法在修復受損心臟組織和改善心臟衰竭患者的心臟功能方面已顯示出希望。例如,CRISPR/Cas9是一種基因編輯技術,透過指導細胞的命運來實現再生醫學2.0。 CRISPR/Cas9系統利用Cas9核酸酶和可程式設計單嚮導RNA(sgRNA)的協同作用,廣泛用於基因組編輯。研究人員正在使用 CRISPR/Cas9 透過體外編輯來保護移植細胞免受患者免疫系統的影響。使用 CRISPR/Cas9 的基因療法正在用於治療遺傳性酪胺酸血症,這是一種罕見的代謝性疾病。來自馬薩諸塞大學、麻省理工學院 (MIT) 和奧勒岡健康與科學大學 (OHSU) 的研究人員最近成功開發了一種基於 CRISPR-Cas9 的基因療法。



醫療保健領域對再生醫學的需求不斷成長主要是由於科學的進步。幹細胞研究的最新進展導致了針對多種疾病的新治療方法的開發,包括心臟病、帕金森氏症和糖尿病。這正在推動再生醫學的發展。例如,2020年,諾華公司的基因治療藥物Zolgensma獲得歐洲藥品管理局的核准,用於治療脊髓性肌肉萎縮症。 Zolgensma 是世界上最昂貴的藥物,每劑售價 210 萬美元(約 2 億日圓)。

此外,組織工程利用生物材料、細胞和其他成分來製造人造組織和器官。組織工程技術的進步,例如 3D 列印和生物材料的開發,正在創造功能性組織和器官,例如心臟組織、肝臟組織和皮膚。例如,專注於開發神經系統疾病細胞治療方法的 BlueRock Therapeutics 宣布其帕金森氏症計畫於 2020 年獲得了積極的臨床前資料。這些資料顯示 BlueRock 的細胞療法可改善帕金森氏症動物模型的運動功能。

此外,在分子和細胞層面上對疾病機制的研究導致了新治療標靶的確定和更有針對性的治療方法的開發。這種理解也導致了可用於診斷疾病和監測治療效果的生物標記的鑑定。 CRISPR-Cas9等基因編輯技術使研究人員能夠精確編輯和修改基因,為新治療方法的開發提供了巨大的潛力。例如,基因編輯可用於糾正導致遺傳性疾病的基因突變或增強免疫系統來對抗癌症。

此外,政府對再生醫學研發的支持和資助也是再生醫學市場的主要促進因素。世界各國政府正在投資再生醫學研究並資助臨床試驗,以協助推動該領域並將新治療方法推向市場。例如,專門從事細胞治療方法開發的ana Biotechnology公司在2020年籌集了7億美元的資金。這筆資金將用於推進 Sana 的細胞治療方法系列,包括癌症和遺傳疾病的治療方法。



糖尿病、心臟病和癌症等慢性疾病的盛行率在全球範圍內不斷增加,增加了對創新和有效治療方法的需求。幹細胞療法透過修復或替換受損的組織和器官,為治療這些疾病提供了一個有前景的解決方案。世界衛生組織 (WHO) 估計,2020 年全球將新增 1,930 萬癌症病例,並有 1,000 萬名癌症相關死亡病例。這凸顯了癌症對全球造成的巨大負擔以及對幹細胞療法等有效治療方法的需求。此外,幹細胞治療領域近年來獲得了大量投資和資金,推動了新治療方法的研究和開發。美國國立衛生研究院 (NIH) 是政府最大的幹細胞研究資助者之一。 2019年,NIH在幹細胞研究上投資超過15億美元,顯示了政府對這項技術的支持程度。

此外,誘導性多功能幹細胞(iPSC) 和 CRISPR 基因編輯等幹細胞技術的進步使得創建和操作幹細胞變得更加容易,從而實現更有效率、更有效的治療方法。





鑑於心血管和皮膚疾病的盛行率不斷上升以及意外傷害的急劇增加,美國再生醫學的前景樂觀。美國疾病管制與預防中心的資料顯示,美國有69.7萬人死於中暑,比2019年增加了5.7%。此外,根據同一資訊來源,死於冠心病的美國人數為 382,​​820 人。

皮膚病也是影響美國人的主要疾病之一。據美國皮膚病學會稱,異位性皮膚炎、乾癬、酒糟和皮膚癌等皮膚病每年影響 5000 萬美國人。

例如,2022 年 4 月,Enzyvant 宣布計劃在北卡羅來納州建立製造工廠。這座佔地 25,972 平方英尺的設施將專注於開發針對先天性無胸腺等罕見疾病的再生醫學。除了該設施的建立外,食品藥物管理局(FDA) 於 2017 年 11 月宣布的綜合再生醫學政策為美國此類藥物的開發建立了框架,從而擴大了預測期內的整體市場。生長。


  • 2022年9月,Alkem Laboratories與Stempeutics合作推出印度首個細胞療法StemOne,用於治療膝骨關節炎。該產品已獲得印度藥品監督(DCGI)的監管核准,標誌著同種異體細胞治療產品在印度首次商業性用於治療膝骨關節炎。 StemOne 由來自培養的混合骨髓的同種異體間質基質細胞組成。



  • 市場概況
  • 市場定義
  • 調查範圍
  • 市場區隔
  • 貨幣
  • 先決條件
  • 基準年和預測年時間表


  • 研究設計
  • 調查資料
  • 檢驗


  • 主要發現


  • 市場促進因素
  • 市場抑制因素
  • 波特五力分析
  • 產業價值鏈分析


  • 介紹
  • 幹細胞療法
  • 基因治療
  • 人體組織工程
  • 其他


  • 介紹
  • 心血管
  • 腫瘤學
  • 皮膚科
  • 整形外科和肌肉骨骼系統
  • 創傷治療
  • 眼科
  • 其他


  • 介紹
  • 醫院
  • 診所
  • 其他


  • 介紹
  • 北美洲
    • 依技術
    • 按用途
    • 按最終用戶
    • 按國家/地區
  • 南美洲
    • 依技術
    • 按用途
    • 按最終用戶
    • 按國家/地區
  • 歐洲
    • 依技術
    • 按用途
    • 按最終用戶
    • 按國家/地區
  • 中東/非洲
    • 依技術
    • 按用途
    • 按最終用戶
    • 按國家/地區
  • 亞太地區
    • 依技術
    • 按用途
    • 按最終用戶
    • 按國家/地區


  • 主要企業及策略分析
  • 市場佔有率分析
  • 合併、收購、協議和合作

第10章 公司簡介

  • Novartis
  • Biogen
  • GlaxoSmithKline(GSK)
  • Baxter International, Inc.
  • Boehringer Ingelheim
  • Amgen Inc.
  • Integra Lifesciences Corp.
Product Code: KSI061611493

The worldwide regenerative medicine market is anticipated to achieve a compound annual growth rate of 25.36% throughout the forecast period, reaching a value of US$122.381 billion by 2028, up from US$25.149 billion in 2021.

Regenerative medicines are making significant progress in the field of medicine due to advances in technology, research, and clinical trials. There are several technologies for regenerative medicines, including stem cell therapies, that have the unique ability to differentiate into many different types of cells in the body. Stem cell therapies involve the transplantation of stem cells into damaged tissues, where they can differentiate into the specific cell types needed for repair and regeneration. Gene therapies involve the delivery of genetic material to cells to correct or replace defective genes. Tissue engineering involves the creation of artificial tissues using cells, scaffolds, and other materials.

Regenerative medicines offer the potential for personalized medicine, where treatments are tailored to individual patients based on their unique genetic and medical profiles. This can lead to more effective and targeted treatments, with fewer side effects.

Regenerative Medicine used in a broad range of Applications.

Further, regenerative medicine has a broad range of applications across various medical fields. They are being investigated for treating heart disease, a leading cause of death worldwide, in neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and multiple sclerosis. Stem cell therapies, for example, have shown promise in repairing damaged heart tissue and improving heart function in patients with heart failure. For instance, CRISPR/Cas9 is a gene-editing technology that enables regenerative medicine 2.0 by directing cell fate. The CRISPR/Cas9 system exploits the concerted action of Cas9 nuclease and programmable single guide RNA (sgRNA) and has been widely used for genome editing. Researchers are using CRISPR/Cas9 to protect transplanted cells from the patient's immune system by ex vivo editing. CRISPR/Cas9-based gene therapy has been used to correct hereditary tyrosinemia, a rare metabolic disorder. Researchers at the University of Massachusetts, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and Oregon Health Sciences University (OHSU) succeeded recently in CRISPR-Cas9-based gene therapy.

Additionally, the field of regenerative medicine is rapidly growing, with many different segments and subfields experiencing significant progress and innovation. The driving force behind the development of regenerative medicines includes the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases, the aging population, and the limitations of current treatments for tissue damage and degenerative conditions. Regenerative medicines have the potential to offer more effective and long-lasting solutions for these conditions. The technology used to develop and manufacture regenerative medicnes includes biotechnology, cell culture, gene editing, and nanotechnology. These technologies enable the precise manipulation of cells and genetic material to create customized regenerative therapies.

Scientific and technological advancements in the healthcare sector

The growing need for regenerative medicines in the healthcare sector is mainly due to scientific advancements. Recent advancements in stem cell research have led to the development of new therapies for a wide range of diseases, including heart disease, Parkinson's disease, and diabetes. This is in turn driving the growth of regenerative medicines. For instance, in 2020, Novartis received approval from the European Medicines Agency for its gene therapy Zolgensma, which is used to treat spinal muscular atrophy. Zolgensma is the world's most expensive medicine, with a list price of $2.1 million per dose.

Moreover, tissue engineering involves the use of biomaterials, cells, and other components to create artificial tissues and organs. Advances in tissue engineering techniques, such as 3D printing and biomaterials development, have led to the creation of functional tissues and organs, such as heart tissue, liver tissue, and skin. For instance, BlueRock Therapeutics, a company focused on developing cell-based therapies for neurological disorders, announced positive preclinical data for its Parkinson's disease program in 2020. The data demonstrated that BlueRock's cell-based therapy improved motor function in animal models of Parkinson's disease.

Additionally, research of disease mechanisms at the molecular and cellular levels has led to the identification of new therapeutic targets and the development of more targeted therapies. This understanding has also led to the identification of biomarkers that can be used to diagnose diseases and monitor treatment effectiveness. Gene editing technologies, such as CRISPR-Cas9, allow researchers to precisely edit and modify genes, which have significant potential for the development of new therapies. For example, gene editing can be used to correct genetic mutations that cause inherited diseases or to enhance the immune system to fight cancer.

Furthermore, government support and funding for regenerative medicine research and development is also a key driver of the regenerative medicine market. Governments around the world are investing in regenerative medicine research and providing funding for clinical trials, which is helping to advance the field and bring new therapies to market. For instance, ana Biotechnology, a company focused on developing cell-based therapies, raised US$700 million in funding in 2020. The funding will be used to advance Sana's pipeline of cell-based therapies, including treatments for cancer and genetic diseases.

The global regenerative medicine market for stem cell therapy technology

Stem cell therapy is a rapidly growing field of regenerative medicine that involves using stem cells to repair or replace damaged tissues and organs. Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that can differentiate into different cell types in the body, which makes them ideal for treating a wide range of diseases and conditions.

The prevalence of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer are increasing worldwide, leading to a higher demand for innovative and effective treatments. Stem cell therapy offers a promising solution to treat these conditions by repairing or replacing damaged tissues and organs. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that there were 19.3 million new cancer cases and 10 million cancer-related deaths worldwide in 2020. This highlights the significant global burden of cancer and the need for effective treatments such as stem cell therapy. Additionally, the field of stem cell therapy has received significant investment and funding in recent years, which has led to increased research and development of new therapies. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the United States is one of the largest government funders of stem cell research. In 2019, the NIH invested over $1.5 billion in stem cell research, demonstrating the significant level of government support for this technology.

Moreover, advances in stem cell technology, such as induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and CRISPR gene editing, have made it easier to generate and manipulate stem cells, leading to more efficient and effective therapies.

Impact of severe ailments on the market

Furthermore, the prevalence of severe ailments like cancer, dementia, Parkinson's, and Alzheimer's disease also has a significant impact on the stem cell therapy segment. Stem cell therapy has the potential to be used in the treatment of various types of cancer, including blood cancers such as leukemia and lymphoma, as well as solid tumors such as breast and lung cancer. The number of cancer cases can drive demand for stem cell therapies as a potential treatment option. For example, in the case of blood cancers, stem cell transplantation is a well-established therapy that can be used to replace diseased or damaged bone marrow with healthy stem cells. As the number of cancer cases increases, the demand for stem cell transplantation is also likely to increase. In addition to being used as a treatment option, stem cell therapy is also a promising area of research for developing new cancer treatments. For example, stem cells can be genetically modified to produce anti-cancer agents or to target cancer cells specifically. This approach has shown promise in preclinical studies and is being explored in clinical trials. As such, the number of cancer cases can have an impact on the stem cell therapy segment of the regenerative medicine market by driving demand for new treatments, increasing investment in research and development, and influencing the availability of funding and resources.

USA in North America is predicted to hold the largest market share for the market

Regenerative medicine enables healthy cells and tissue generation which can replace cells that are damaged due to some major diseases or injuries. Such medicines, due to their high regenerative potential, are finding their way into gene therapies and tissue engineering.

Growing prevalence of cardiovascular and skin diseases coupled with the surge in accidental injuries has provided a positive outlook to regenerative medicines in the United States since such medicines would be used for wound healing in injuries and for replacing irreversibly damaged heart and skin tissue. According to the data provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the number of deaths that occurred due to heat attacks in the United States stood at 6,97,000 which signified a 5.7% increase in deaths in comparison to 2019's death figure. Also, as per the same source, the number of Americans who died due to coronary heart disease stood at 3,82,820.

Skin diseases are also one of the major diseases affecting Americans. According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, 50 million Americans get affected by skin conditions such as atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, rosacea, and skin cancer on annual basis.

The growing emphasis on regenerative medicine development in the United States market has made various companies to establish their manufacturing facilities in the country. for instance, in April 2022, Enzyvant announced its plan to establish its manufacturing facility in North Carolina. the 25,972 square-foot facility will be focused on developing regenerative medicines for rare diseases such as congenital athymia. besides facilities establishments, the comprehensive regenerative medicine policy announced by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in November 2017, has also established a framework for the development of such medicine in the United States, thereby augmenting the overall market growth during the forecast period.

Market Key Developments

  • In September 2022, Alkem Laboratories partnered with Stempeutics to introduce the first cell therapy medicine made in India, named "StemOne," which is designed to treat Knee Osteoarthritis. The product has been granted regulatory approval by the Drugs Controller General of India (DCGI), marking the first commercial use of an allogeneic cell therapy product in India for treating Knee OA. StemOne is composed of cultured-pooled, allogeneic mesenchymal stromal cells that are derived from bone marrow.


By Technology

  • Stem cell Therapy
  • Gene Therapy
  • Tissue Engineering
  • Others

By Application

  • Cardiovascular
  • Oncology
  • Dermatology
  • Orthopedics and Musculoskeletal
  • Wound Healing
  • Ophthalmology
  • Others

By End-User

  • Hospitals
  • Clinics
  • Others

By Geography

  • North America
  • United States
  • Canada
  • Mexico
  • South America
  • Brazil
  • Argentina
  • Others
  • Europe
  • United Kingdom
  • Germany
  • France
  • Spain
  • Others
  • Middle East and Africa
  • Saudi Arabia
  • UAE
  • Israel
  • Others
  • Asia Pacific
  • Japan
  • China
  • India
  • South Korea
  • Indonesia
  • Thailand
  • Others



  • 1.1. Market Overview
  • 1.2. Market Definition
  • 1.3. Scope of the Study
  • 1.4. Market Segmentation
  • 1.5. Currency
  • 1.6. Assumptions
  • 1.7. Base, and Forecast Years Timeline


  • 2.1. Research Design
  • 2.2. Research Data
  • 2.3. Validation


  • 3.1. Key Findings


  • 4.1. Market Drivers
  • 4.2. Market Restraints
  • 4.3. Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.3.1. Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.3.2. Bargaining Power of Buyers
    • 4.3.3. Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.3.4. Threat of Substitutes
    • 4.3.5. Competitive Rivalry in the Industry
  • 4.4. Industry Value Chain Analysis


  • 5.1. Introduction
  • 5.2. Stem cell Therapy
  • 5.3. Gene Therapy
  • 5.4. Tissue Engineering
  • 5.5. Others


  • 6.1. Introduction
  • 6.2. Cardiovascular
  • 6.3. Oncology
  • 6.4. Dermatology
  • 6.5. Orthopedics and Musculoskeletal
  • 6.6. Wound Healing
  • 6.7. Ophthalmology
  • 6.8. Others


  • 7.1. Introduction
  • 7.2. Hospitals
  • 7.3. Clinics
  • 7.4. Others


  • 8.1. Introduction
  • 8.2. North America
    • 8.2.1. By Technology
    • 8.2.2. By Application
    • 8.2.3. By End-User
    • 8.2.4. By Country
    • USA
    • Canada
    • Mexico
  • 8.3. South America
    • 8.3.1. By Technology
    • 8.3.2. By Application
    • 8.3.3. By End-User
    • 8.3.4. By Country
    • Brazil
    • Argentina
    • Others
  • 8.4. Europe
    • 8.4.1. By Technology
    • 8.4.2. By Application
    • 8.4.3. By End-User
    • 8.4.4. By Country
    • Germany
    • UK
    • Spain
    • France
    • Others
  • 8.5. Middle East and Africa
    • 8.5.1. By Technology
    • 8.5.2. By Application
    • 8.5.3. By End-User
    • 8.5.4. By Country
    • Saudi Arabia
    • UAE
    • Others
  • 8.6. Asia Pacific
    • 8.6.1. By Technology
    • 8.6.2. By Application
    • 8.6.3. By End-User
    • 8.6.4. By Country
    • China
    • Japan
    • India
    • South Korea
    • Indonesia
    • Thailand
    • Taiwan
    • Others


  • 9.1. Major Players and Strategy Analysis
  • 9.2. Market Share Analysis
  • 9.3. Mergers, Acquisition, Agreements, and Collaborations


  • 10.1. Novartis
  • 10.2. Biogen
  • 10.3. GlaxoSmithKline (GSK)
  • 10.4. Baxter International, Inc.
  • 10.5. Boehringer Ingelheim
  • 10.6. Amgen Inc.
  • 10.7. Integra Lifesciences Corp.