5G 毫米波用例:毫米波何時會釋放 5G 的全部潛力?

5G 毫米波用例:毫米波何時會釋放 5G 的全部潛力?

5G mmWave Use Cases: When Will mmWave Unleash the Full Potential of 5G?

出版日期: | 出版商: IDATE | 英文 41 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內


本報告探討了 5G 可用的新頻率毫米波,並總結了它的可用性、分配、主要特徵、5G 帶來的機遇和挑戰,並回顧了各個階段的用例。


第 1 章執行摘要

第 2 章主要發現

第 3 章真正 5G 的新頻率

  • 引入毫米波的背景
  • 5G 毫米波頻率分配

第 4 章 5G 毫米波應用和服務概述

  • 用例
    • 用例 1:eMBB FWA n度32
    • 用例 2:Hotzone - 消費者:2022 年北京奧運會的沉浸式超高清流媒體視頻
    • 用例 3:專用網絡 - 台灣的現場影院
    • 用例 4:熱區 - 消費者/辦公室/工業和商業服務:法國巴黎/雷恩車站
    • 用例 5:Hotzone - 使用 5G-PICTURE 的消費者/辦公室,西班牙巴塞羅那
    • 用例 6:Hotzone - 首爾地鐵消費和辦公服務
    • 用例 7:使用 5G FWA 和光纖的農業機器人
    • 用例 8:熱區 - 巴黎金融區的消費者和辦公室服務,26 GHz 測試,中性主機方法


Product Code: M00066MR


This report provides an update on mmWaves, the new frequencies available for 5G. It details their availability, assignments and reminds of their key characteristics. It also stress opportunities and challenges opened up and faced with 5G.

It reviews eight use cases at different stages of deployment using mmWaves.

  • What is the state of the art of mmWave spectrum assignment, commercial service deployment?
  • What are the key challenges and opportunities for mmWave?
  • What are the key 5G use cases and applications for mmWave?
  • When and how will 5G fully benefit from mmWaves and deliver multi-Gbps?

Table of Contents

1. Executive summary

2. Key findings

3. New frequencies for true 5G

  • 3.1. MmWave deployment context
  • 3.2. Allocation of mmWave frequencies for 5G

4. Overview of 5G mmWave applications and services

  • 4.1. Use case synthesis
  • 4.2. Cas d'usage 5G millimetriques
    • 4.2.1. Use case 1: eMBB FWA n°32
    • 4.2.2. Use case 2: "Hotzone" consumer: immersive UHD streaming video at 2022 Beijing Olympic Games
    • 4.2.3. Use case 3: "Private networks": Taiwan live theater
    • 4.2.4. Use case 4: "Hotzone" consumer/offices/ industrial and business applications: Paris/Rennes stations, France
    • 4.2.5. Use case 5: "Hotzone" consumer/offices with 5G-PICTURE, Barcelona, Spain
    • 4.2.6. Use case 6: "Hotzone" consumer & offices in the subway downtown Seoul
    • 4.2.7. Use case 7: Robots in agriculture using 5G FWA and fiber
    • 4.2.8. Use case 8: "Hotzone" consumer & offices, financial district of Paris, 26 GHz trials and neutral-host approach

Acronyms or Abbreviations' List