2030 年世界白銀開採量

2030 年世界白銀開採量

Global Silver Mining to 2030

出版日期: | 出版商: GlobalData | 英文 56 Pages | 訂單完成後即時交付




全球白銀產量在 2023 年下降 2.5%,預計 2024 年將反彈 4.1% 至 9.161 億盎司。2023 年的採礦量受到各種臨時停工的影響。例如紐蒙特 Pensquito 礦的工人罷工、秘魯布埃納文圖拉 Colchihilca 礦的關閉、美國 Lucky Friday 礦的火災以及中國 Zima 礦的環保關閉(2023 年 12 月已恢復)。



  • 概述
  • 儲備
  • 白銀產量
  • 白銀價格
  • 主要經營礦山
  • 重大開發項目
  • 重大勘探項目
  • 需求驅動因素
  • 競爭格局


Product Code: GDMMGS0011MR

GlobalData's "Global Silver Mining to 2030" provides a comprehensive coverage on the global silver industry. It provides historical and forecast data on silver production by country, production by company, reserves by country and world silver prices. The report also includes a demand drivers section providing information on factors that are affecting the global silver industry. It further profiles major silver producers, information on the major active, development and exploration projects.

After a 2.5% decline in 2023, global silver production is expected to recover by 4.1% to 916.1 million ounces (moz) in 2024. Output was impacted by various temporary suspensions in 2023. Examples include a labor strike at Newmont's Pennsquito mine, a halt at Buenaventura's Colquijirca mine in Peru, a fire at the Lucky Friday mine in the US, and suspensions at China's Jiama mine due to environmental issues (operations resumed in December 2023).


The report contains an overview of the global silver mining industry including key demand driving factors affecting the global silver mining industry. It provides detailed information on reserves, reserves by country, production, production by country, production by company, major operating mines, competitive landscape, major exploration and development projects.

Reasons to Buy

  • To gain an understanding of the global silver mining industry, relevant driving factors
  • To understand historical and forecast trend on global silver production
  • To identify key players in the global silver mining industry
  • To identify major active, exploration and development projects by region

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

  • Overview
  • Reserves
  • Silver Production
  • Silver Prices
  • Major Active Mines
  • Major Development Projects
  • Major Exploration Projects
  • Demand Drivers
  • Competitive Landscape
