人類免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 的數字營銷趨勢

人類免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 的數字營銷趨勢

Digital Marketing Trends in Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

出版日期: | 出版商: GlobalData | 英文 34 Pages | 訂單完成後即時交付



從 2021 年 4 月到 2022 年 3 月,吉利德的 Biktarvy.com 在美國 HIV 患者品牌網站上的訪問量約為 380 萬,其次是 ViiV 的 Dovato.com 和吉利德的 Descovy。訂單為 .com。這些網站的大部分流量來自直接來源,其次是推薦。 Descovy、Cabenuva、Truvada 和 Pipeltro 等品牌網站的直接訪問量相同(53%-57%),而 Janssen 的 Symtuza.com 的直接訪問量最低(34%)。

本報告評估了與人類免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 相關的製藥公司的關鍵數字營銷指標,包括品牌網站、移動應用程序以及患者和醫療保健專業人員 (HCP) 的社交媒體帳戶。指標包括網站流量、參與度、來源、數字展示廣告 (DDA)、付費搜索引擎優化 (SEO)、移動應用下載和社交媒體帖子互動。按國家/地區劃分,包括美國、4EU(意大利、法國、德國、西班牙)、英國和加拿大 (EUCAN)。



  • 執行摘要
  • 美國患者品牌網站
  • 美國HCP品牌網站
  • 美國數字展示廣告和搜索引擎優化
  • 美國移動應用和社交媒體
  • EUCAN 品牌網站
  • EUCAN 移動應用和社交媒體


  • 調查方法
  • 關於作者
  • 客戶支持
Product Code: GDHCHT324

Gilead's Biktarvy.com achieved the highest traffic across branded HIV patient sites in the US from April 2021 to March 2022, with about 3,800,000 visits, followed by ViiV's Dovato.com and Gilead's Descovy.com. The highest proportion of traffic to these sites originated from direct sources, followed by referrals. Websites for several brands, including Descovy, Cabenuva, Truvada, and Pifeltro, had similar levels of high direct traffic (53-57%), while Janssen's Symtuza.com had the lowest (34%).

For patient branded sites, Gilead spent the most on DDA for Biktarvy.com at $20.5 million, followed by Gilead's Descovy.com at $3.6 million and ViiV's Dovato.com at $2.3 million. Descovy.com was supported by the most paid keywords at approximately 10,200 keywords, followed by Biktarvy.com at about 5,900 keywords.

For branded HCP sites in the US, Gilead's Descovyhcp.com had the highest number of visits at approximately 250,000 visits, followed by Gilead's Biktarvyhcp.com (198,500 visits) and ViiV's Dovatohcp.com (184,000 visits). The highest proportion of traffic these sites originated from direct and organic sources. ViiV's Rukobiahcp.com and Dovatohcp.com had the highest proportion of traffic from direct searches (66% and 61%, respectively). Gilead spent the most on DDA for Biktarvyhcp.com at approximately $212,000, followed by its Descovyhcp.com at approximately $67,000.

Between April 2021 and March 2022, the top 20 social media HIV posts by interaction from pharma were from Gilead COMPASS Initiative Twitter and Instagram, ViiV Healthcare's Instagram, and Gilead Science's Twitter. Gilead's HIV Answers is the only app detected from pharma is the US and had an estimated 730 downloads in 2021.

Most branded websites in EUCAN are in Canada and are patient-directed. Few generated notable traffic between April 2021 and March 2022. Gilead's Bitarvy.ca and Descovy.ca achieved the highest traffic, with about 52,000 visits and 27,000 visits, respectively.

Between April 2021 and March 2022, most of the top 20 social media HIV posts by interaction in EUCAN from pharma were from MSD Europe's Twitter account. No HIV apps from pharma with notable downloads were detected in EUCAN.


  • This report assesses key digital marketing metrics of pharma assets in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), including branded websites for patients and healthcare professionals (HCPs), mobile apps, and social media accounts.
  • Metrics include website traffic volume, engagement, and source, digital display advertising (DDA), paid search engine optimization (SEO), mobile app downloads, and social media post interaction.
  • Countries include the US, 4EU (Italy, France, Germany, and Spain), the UK, and Canada (EUCAN).

Reasons to Buy

  • Understand the digital marketing competitive landscape in HIV, with a view of leading patient and HCP branded assets across different regions.
  • See what tactics pharma companies are using to drive traffic to their HIV branded assets for patient and HCPs, such as DDA and paid SEO.
  • Understand what sources of website traffic are generating the most visits to these assets, such as paid SEO, social media, or organic searches.
  • Compare top branded assets for patients by how they address and support different patient needs.
  • See what pharma social media accounts in HIV are the most active and achieving the most engagement.
  • See leading mobile app offerings in HIV from pharma across different regions.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

  • Executive Summary
  • US Patient Branded Websites
  • US HCP Branded Websites
  • US Digital Display Advertising and Search Engine Optimization
  • US Mobile Apps and Social Media
  • EUCAN Branded Websites
  • EUCAN Mobile Apps and Social Media


  • Methodology
  • About the Authors
  • Contact Us

List of Tables