

Global Fire Control Systems Market 2024-2034

出版日期: | 出版商: Aviation & Defense Market Reports (A&D) | 英文 150+ Pages | 商品交期: 3個工作天內


全球射控系統市場,估計2024年價值 67.2億美元,預計2024年至2034年年複合成長率為 7.22%,至2034年將成長至 135億美元。

Global Fire Control Systems Market-IMG1


射控系統(FCS)是現代軍事平台的重要組成部分,目的是提高武器系統的準確性、有效性和運作效率。這些系統協調感測器、電腦和武器來追蹤、瞄準和應對敵對威脅。射控系統最初是為砲兵和海軍平台開發的,後來擴展到包括坦克、飛機和飛彈防禦系統,並已成為現代戰爭的重要組成部分。 FCS不僅限於傳統的動能作戰,還可以與先進的感測器技術結合使用,在動態作戰環境中實現精確瞄準。 FCS整合了來自雷達、聲納和光電系統的即時資料來計算射擊解決方案,自動調整射程、速度和天氣等變數以將武器引導至目標。在威脅日益複雜的複雜戰爭時代,FCS 透過提高交戰精度和速度為軍隊提供戰略優勢。在技​​術進步、地緣政治緊張局勢加劇以及對軍事現代化日益成長的興趣的推動下,全球射控系統市場迅速成長。對提高戰鬥精度的需求以及對能夠快速回應新出現威脅的綜合防禦系統不斷成長的需求是推動這些系統在各種平台(包括陸地車輛、海軍艦艇和防空系統)上發展的主要因素。了。


技術進步改變世界的射控系統(FCS),將其功能擴展到傳統角色之外。現代FCS現在整合了人工智慧(AI)、機器學習、先進感測器和自動化等尖端技術,從根本上改變了軍隊在戰場上的作戰方式。人工智慧和機器學習透過處理大型資料集並即時適應不斷變化的戰鬥情況來增強目標識別和追踪,提高決策準確性,同時最大限度地減少人為錯誤。感測器融合結合了來自雷達、紅外線和光電感測器的資料,使這些系統能夠同時檢測、追蹤和攻擊多個目標,即使在電子戰和惡劣天氣等不利條件下也是如此。 FCS 中的自動化減少了人類對複雜目標定位流程的參與,使自主目標定位系統能夠快速識別和應對威脅。此外,隨著飛行控制系統變得更加網路化,它們變得更容易受到網路攻擊,因此強大的網路安全對於保護軍事行動非常重要。 FCS 在遠程精確打擊中也變得非常重要,特別是在飛彈防禦和火砲領域,它們利用 GPS 和衛星資料攻擊數百公里外的目標。最後,FCS目前在網路中心戰的框架內運行,使多個軍事單位共享即時資料、協調攻擊、提高戰場效率,同時減少附帶損害成為可能。這些技術進步重新定義現代戰爭中FCS的有效性和準確性。


有幾個因素推動射控系統(FCS)的全球成長和採用,包括現代戰爭日益複雜、技術進步、國防預算增加以及不斷變化的地緣政治動態。現代戰爭強調精確瞄準和最大限度地減少附帶損害,特別是在戰鬥人員可能與平民混在一起的不對稱衝突中。 FCS 能夠更精確地打擊目標,這在此類環境中非常重要。隨著各國尋求軍事現代化,地緣政治緊張局勢和區域衝突導致的國防預算增加也刺激了先進FCS的採購。此外,高超音速飛彈等武器系統的進步需要高度複雜的飛行控制系統來追蹤和攻擊快速移動的目標。 FCS 與無人機和無人地面車輛等自主系統的整合也是一個關鍵驅動因素,因為這些平台依靠先進的FCS 無需人工干預即可運作。由於飛彈攻擊的威脅日益增加,對飛彈防禦系統的投資也在增加,而FCS對於偵測和攔截傳入的威脅非常重要。最後,東歐、亞太和中東等地區的地緣政治緊張局勢推動對先進 FCS 的需求,以保持戰略優勢並防範來自國家和非國家行為體的潛在威脅。


射控系統(FCS)的採用和開發因地區而異,並受到國防優先事項、技術能力和地緣政治動態的影響。在北美,美國在其龐大的軍事基礎設施和現代化努力的推動下引領全球市場,特別是將人工智慧和自主技術融入飛彈防禦和海軍應用。加拿大也投資用於海軍平台的先進FCS。在歐洲,北約成員國日益增加對FCS的投資,作為其軍事現代化努力的一部分,其中德國、英國、法國和其他國家致力於北約內部的飛彈防禦和互通性。烏克蘭衝突增加了該地區對先進FCS的需求。在亞太地區,受南海、朝鮮半島以及印度和中國邊境緊張局勢升級的推動,FCS部署迅速進展。中國、日本、印度和韓國大力投資FCS以增強其軍事能力,而中國開發本土系統以支援其軍事野心。在中東,以色列、沙烏地阿拉伯和阿拉伯聯合大公國等國家在部署先進的FCS以保護關鍵基礎設施和應對飛彈威脅方面處於領先地位。預算限制減緩了非洲和拉丁美洲 FCS 的實施,但人們對將這些系統用於邊境安全、反恐和維和的興趣日益濃厚。隨著這些地區國防預算的增加,預計會有更多國家投資 FCS 以實現其軍事力量現代化。


Leonardo DRS 已獲得美國陸軍一份價值 9,910萬美元的五年合約,提供迫擊砲射控系統、相關硬體和訓練支援服務。該合約包括武器和射控硬體的採購、這些系統的倉儲和部署支援以及該計劃的工程服務,這些服務將由陸軍作戰彈藥系統專案經理監督。

義大利已與 OCCAR 簽署了一份合約修正案,以更新 CAMM-ER 地對空飛彈系統的能力。這項增強包括開發新的射控單元,目的是提高指揮和控制能力。 CAMM-ER 在義大利的防空策略中發揮關鍵作用,目的是提供針對各種空中威脅的全面保護。

德國軍事採購機構已為德國軍方訂購了Hensoldt的 "Dynahawk" 射控瞄準具(FLV)。這份價值數百萬歐元的合約中的瞄準鏡具體數量並未透露,但預計今年和明年交付,並可選擇將合約延長至2026年。 "動力鷹" 預計將顯著提高部署的反戰車武器針對動態和遠程目標的先發制人精度。




  • 依地區
  • 依平台
  • 依操作方式





  • 北美
    • 促進/抑制因素和挑戰
    • PEST分析
    • 市場預測與情境分析
    • 主要公司
    • 供應商層級狀況
    • 企業基準比較
  • 歐洲
  • 中東
  • 亞太地區
  • 南美洲


  • 美國
    • 防禦規劃
    • 最新趨勢
    • 專利
    • 該市場目前的技術成熟度等級
    • 市場預測與情境分析
  • 加拿大
  • 義大利
  • 法國
  • 德國
  • 荷蘭
  • 比利時
  • 西班牙
  • 瑞典
  • 希臘
  • 澳洲
  • 南非
  • 印度
  • 中國
  • 俄羅斯
  • 韓國
  • 日本
  • 馬來西亞
  • 新加坡
  • 巴西





Product Code: AND143

The Global Fire Control Systems Market is estimated at USD 6.72 billion in 2024, projected to grow to USD 13.50 billion by 2034 at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 7.22% over the forecast period 2024-2034

Global Fire Control Systems Market - IMG1

Introduction to Global Fire Control Systems Market:

Fire control systems (FCS) are integral components of modern military platforms, designed to enhance the accuracy, effectiveness, and operational efficiency of weapon systems. These systems coordinate sensors, computers, and weaponry to track, target, and engage hostile threats. Initially developed for artillery and naval platforms, fire control systems have since expanded to include tanks, aircraft, and missile defense systems, making them essential in modern warfare. FCS are not just limited to traditional kinetic operations but are also used in conjunction with advanced sensor technologies to ensure precision targeting in dynamic combat environments. They integrate real-time data from radar, sonar, or electro-optical systems to compute firing solutions, automatically adjust for variables such as range, speed, and weather, and then direct weapons to their targets. In an era of complex warfare with increasingly sophisticated threats, FCS provide military forces with a strategic advantage by enhancing the accuracy and speed of engagements. The global market for fire control systems is growing rapidly, fueled by advancements in technology, rising geopolitical tensions, and an increasing focus on modernizing military forces. The need for enhanced precision in combat and the rising demand for integrated defense systems that can respond quickly to emerging threats are major factors driving the development of these systems across various platforms, including land-based vehicles, naval ships, and air defense systems.

Technology Impact in Global Fire Control Systems Market:

Technological advancements are significantly transforming global fire control systems (FCS), extending their capabilities beyond traditional roles. Modern FCS now integrate cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, advanced sensors, and automation, fundamentally changing how militaries conduct battlefield operations. AI and machine learning enhance target recognition and tracking by processing large datasets and adapting to evolving combat situations in real-time, improving decision-making accuracy while minimizing human error. Sensor fusion, which combines data from radar, infrared, and electro-optical sensors, allows these systems to detect, track, and engage multiple targets simultaneously, even under adverse conditions like electronic warfare or harsh weather. Automation in FCS has reduced human involvement in complex targeting processes, enabling autonomous targeting systems to identify and engage threats swiftly. Moreover, as FCS become more networked, they are increasingly vulnerable to cyberattacks, making robust cybersecurity essential for safeguarding military operations. FCS have also become crucial for long-range precision strikes, particularly in missile defense and artillery, utilizing GPS and satellite data to hit targets hundreds of kilometers away. Finally, FCS now operate within network-centric warfare frameworks, allowing multiple military units to share real-time data, coordinate attacks, and improve battlefield efficiency while reducing collateral damage. These technological advancements are redefining the effectiveness and precision of FCS in modern warfare.

Key Drivers in Global Fire Control Systems Market:

Several factors are driving the global growth and adoption of fire control systems (FCS), including the increasing complexity of modern warfare, technological innovations, rising defense budgets, and evolving geopolitical dynamics. Modern warfare now emphasizes precision targeting and minimizing collateral damage, especially in asymmetric conflicts where combatants may be intermingled with civilians. FCS enable forces to engage targets with greater accuracy, which is crucial in such environments. Rising defense budgets, spurred by geopolitical tensions and regional conflicts, are also fueling the procurement of advanced FCS as nations seek to modernize their militaries. Additionally, advancements in weapon systems, like hypersonic missiles, require highly sophisticated FCS to track and engage fast-moving targets. The integration of FCS with autonomous systems, such as drones and unmanned ground vehicles, is another key driver, as these platforms rely on advanced FCS to operate without human intervention. The growing threat of missile attacks has increased investment in missile defense systems, where FCS are essential for detecting and intercepting incoming threats. Finally, geopolitical tensions in regions such as Eastern Europe, the Asia-Pacific, and the Middle East are pushing nations to invest in advanced FCS to maintain a strategic advantage and protect against potential threats from both state and non-state actors.

Regional Trends in Global Fire Control Systems Market:

The adoption and development of fire control systems (FCS) vary significantly across regions, influenced by defense priorities, technological capabilities, and geopolitical dynamics. In North America, the United States leads the global market, driven by its vast military infrastructure and modernization efforts, particularly in integrating AI and autonomous technologies into missile defense and naval applications. Canada is also investing in advanced FCS for its naval platforms. In Europe, NATO members are increasing investments in FCS as part of military modernization efforts, with countries like Germany, the UK, and France focusing on missile defense and interoperability within NATO. The conflict in Ukraine has heightened the demand for advanced FCS in the region. The Asia-Pacific region is experiencing rapid growth in FCS adoption, fueled by rising tensions in the South China Sea, the Korean Peninsula, and the India-China border. China, Japan, India, and South Korea are heavily investing in FCS to strengthen military capabilities, with China developing indigenous systems to support its military ambitions. In the Middle East, countries like Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE are leading the region in adopting advanced FCS to protect critical infrastructure and counter missile threats. In Africa and Latin America, the adoption of FCS is slower due to budget constraints, but interest is growing in using these systems for border security, counter-terrorism, and peacekeeping. As defense budgets rise in these regions, more countries are expected to invest in FCS to modernize their military capabilities.

Key Global Fire Control Systems Market Program:

Leonardo DRS has been awarded a potential five-year, $99.1 million contract by the U.S. Army to supply mortar fire control systems, along with associated hardware and training support services. The contract encompasses the procurement of weapons and fire control hardware, warehousing and deployment support for these systems, as well as engineering services for programs overseen by the Army's Project Manager Combat Ammunition Systems.

Italy has signed a contract amendment with OCCAR to upgrade the capabilities of its CAMM-ER surface-to-air missile systems. This enhancement includes the development of a new fire control unit aimed at improving command and control functions. The CAMM-ER, which plays a crucial role in Italy's air defense strategy, is designed to offer comprehensive protection against a range of airborne threats.

Germany's armament procurement agency has placed an order for "Dynahawk" fire control sights (FLV) from Hensoldt for the German Armed Forces. While the exact quantity of sights in this multi-million-euro contract has not been disclosed, deliveries are scheduled for this year and the next, with an option to extend the contract through 2026. The "Dynahawk" is expected to significantly enhance the first-hit accuracy on dynamic and distant targets for deployed anti-tank weapons.

Table of Contents

Fire Control Systems Market Report Definition

Fire Control Systems Market Segmentation

By Region

By Platform

By Operation

Fire Control Systems Market Analysis for next 10 Years

The 10-year Fire Control Systems Market analysis would give a detailed overview of Fire Control Systems Market growth, changing dynamics, technology adoption overviews and the overall market attractiveness is covered in this chapter.

Market Technologies of Fire Control Systems Market

This segment covers the top 10 technologies that is expected to impact this market and the possible implications these technologies would have on the overall market.

Global Fire Control Systems Market Forecast

The 10-year Fire Control Systems Market forecast of this market is covered in detailed across the segments which are mentioned above.

Regional Fire Control Systems Market Trends & Forecast

The regional Fire Control Systems Market trends, drivers, restraints and Challenges of this market, the Political, Economic, Social and Technology aspects are covered in this segment. The market forecast and scenario analysis across regions are also covered in detailed in this segment. The last part of the regional analysis includes profiling of the key companies, supplier landscape and company benchmarking. The current market size is estimated based on the normal scenario.

North America

Drivers, Restraints and Challenges


Market Forecast & Scenario Analysis

Key Companies

Supplier Tier Landscape

Company Benchmarking


Middle East


South America

Country Analysis of Fire Control Systems Market

This chapter deals with the key defense programs in this market, it also covers the latest news and patents which have been filed in this market. Country level 10 year market forecast and scenario analysis are also covered in this chapter.


Defense Programs

Latest News


Current levels of technology maturation in this market

Market Forecast & Scenario Analysis











South Africa




South Korea





Opportunity Matrix for Fire Control Systems Market

The opportunity matrix helps the readers understand the high opportunity segments in this market.

Expert Opinions on Fire Control Systems Market Report

Hear from our experts their opinion of the possible analysis for this market.


About Aviation and Defense Market Reports

List of Tables

  • Table 1: 10 Year Market Outlook, 2022-2032
  • Table 2: Drivers, Impact Analysis, North America
  • Table 3: Restraints, Impact Analysis, North America
  • Table 4: Challenges, Impact Analysis, North America
  • Table 5: Drivers, Impact Analysis, Europe
  • Table 6: Restraints, Impact Analysis, Europe
  • Table 7: Challenges, Impact Analysis, Europe
  • Table 8: Drivers, Impact Analysis, Middle East
  • Table 9: Restraints, Impact Analysis, Middle East
  • Table 10: Challenges, Impact Analysis, Middle East
  • Table 11: Drivers, Impact Analysis, APAC
  • Table 12: Restraints, Impact Analysis, APAC
  • Table 13: Challenges, Impact Analysis, APAC
  • Table 14: Drivers, Impact Analysis, South America
  • Table 15: Restraints, Impact Analysis, South America
  • Table 16: Challenges, Impact Analysis, South America
  • Table 17: Scenario Analysis, Scenario 1, By Region, 2022-2032
  • Table 18: Scenario Analysis, Scenario 1, By Operation, 2022-2032
  • Table 19: Scenario Analysis, Scenario 1, By Platform, 2022-2032
  • Table 20: Scenario Analysis, Scenario 2, By Region, 2022-2032
  • Table 21: Scenario Analysis, Scenario 2, By Operation, 2022-2032
  • Table 22: Scenario Analysis, Scenario 2, By Platform, 2022-2032

List of Figures

  • Figure 1: Global Defense Fire Control Systems Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 2: Global Defense Fire Control Systems Market Forecast, By Region, 2022-2032
  • Figure 3: Global Defense Fire Control Systems Market Forecast, By Operation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 4: Global Defense Fire Control Systems Market Forecast, By Platform, 2022-2032
  • Figure 5: North America, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 6: Europe, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 7: Middle East, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 8: APAC, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 9: South America, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 10: United States, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 11: United States, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 12: Canada, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 13: Canada, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 14: Italy, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 15: Italy, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 16: France, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 17: France, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 18: Germany, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 19: Germany, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 20: Netherlands, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 21: Netherlands, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 22: Belgium, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 23: Belgium, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 24: Spain, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 25: Spain, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 26: Sweden, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 27: Sweden, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 28: Brazil, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 29: Brazil, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 30: Australia, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 31: Australia, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 32: India, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 33: India, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 34: China, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 35: China, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 36: Saudi Arabia, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 37: Saudi Arabia, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 38: South Korea, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 39: South Korea, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 40: Japan, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 41: Japan, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 42: Malaysia, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 43: Malaysia, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 44: Singapore, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 45: Singapore, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 46: United Kingdom, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 47: United Kingdom, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 48: Opportunity Analysis, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, By Region (Cumulative Market), 2022-2032
  • Figure 49: Opportunity Analysis, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, By Region (CAGR), 2022-2032
  • Figure 50: Opportunity Analysis, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, By Operation (Cumulative Market), 2022-2032
  • Figure 51: Opportunity Analysis, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, By Operation (CAGR), 2022-2032
  • Figure 52: Opportunity Analysis, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, By Platform (Cumulative Market), 2022-2032
  • Figure 53: Opportunity Analysis, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, By Platform (CAGR), 2022-2032
  • Figure 54: Scenario Analysis, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Cumulative Market, 2022-2032
  • Figure 55: Scenario Analysis, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Global Market, 2022-2032
  • Figure 56: Scenario 1, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Total Market, 2022-2032
  • Figure 57: Scenario 1, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, By Region, 2022-2032
  • Figure 58: Scenario 1, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, By Operation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 59: Scenario 1, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, By Platform, 2022-2032
  • Figure 60: Scenario 2, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, Total Market, 2022-2032
  • Figure 61: Scenario 2, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, By Region, 2022-2032
  • Figure 62: Scenario 2, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, By Operation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 63: Scenario 2, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, By Platform, 2022-2032
  • Figure 64: Company Benchmark, Defense Fire Control Systems Market, 2022-2032