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陸上石油和天然氣管道:市場佔有率分析、產業趨勢、成長預測(2024-2029)Onshore Oil And Gas Pipeline - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2024 - 2029) |
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*各國正在擴大現有陸上管道計劃,以滿足不斷成長的需求。根據美國能源資訊管理局 (EIA) 的數據,到 2023 年,美國內天然氣管道容量將增加約 52 億立方英尺/天 (Bcf/d)。大部分管道擴建位於德克薩斯州和路易斯安那州,以滿足美國墨西哥灣沿岸市場的天然氣需求。
*此外,近年來燃氣發行系統的主要里程增加。根據美國運輸部的數據,2023 年發行行駛里程將為 1,367,244 英里,與前一年同期比較增加 1%。鑑於終端消費者對天然氣的使用量不斷增加,天然氣發行系統的主要里程可能很快就會繼續逐步成長。
*2024年7月,伊朗開始開發全長1,200公里的管線“伊朗天然氣幹線-IGAT XI”,以滿足布希爾、法爾斯、亞茲德和伊斯法罕省的天然氣需求。該計劃由伊朗國家天然氣公司擁有,預計將於 2027 年完工。在預測期內,此類新興市場的開拓可能會促進石油和天然氣管道市場的成長。
*到 2050 年,亞太地區的能源消費量預計將增加 48%。根據國際能源總署(IEA)預測,到2025年,中國預計將貢獻全球能源成長的30%。近年來,該地區原油和天然氣消費量顯著成長,主要得益於印度和中國等新興經濟體的需求增加。
*從 2024 年 1 月起,澳洲石油和天然氣巨頭桑托斯公司將開始建造一個價值約 43 億美元的天然氣管道計劃,將巴羅莎天然氣田與澳洲北部城市達爾文的一個加工廠連接起來。該計劃預計未來將增加澳洲天然氣的供應。
陸上油氣管道市場較為分散。該市場的主要企業包括(排名不分先後)Tenaris SA、Essar Group、Jindal SAW Ltd、Europipe GmbH 和 TMK Group。
The Onshore Oil And Gas Pipeline Market size is estimated at USD 68.03 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 85.19 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 4.60% during the forecast period (2024-2029).
* Onshore pipelines are laid in the country's inland areas or a region. Onshore pipelines are of different types: mains, crossings, feeder lines, transmissions, spur lines, and above-ground and underground pipelines.
* The expansion of existing onshore pipeline projects is being done in countries to cater to growing demand. As per the US Energy Information Administration (EIA), about 5.2 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d) of natural gas intrastate pipeline capacity was added in the United States of America in 2023. Most of the intrastate pipeline additions were made in Texas and Louisiana to fulfill natural gas demand in the United States Gulf Coast Markets.
* Moreover, the main mileage of gas distribution systems has grown in recent years. As per the United States of Transportation, in 2023, the distribution main mileage stood at 1,367,244 miles, an increase of 1% from the previous year. Considering the increase in the utilization of gas from end-consumers, the gradual growth of main mileage for gas distribution systems is likely to persist soon.
* Likewise, By 2030, owing to factors such as environmental benefits and the quest for energy security in regions such as the Middle East, Africa, and Asia-Pacific, the demand for natural gas is expected to witness significant growth among all fuel types.
* In July 2024, Iran commenced the development of the Iranian Gas Trunk Line-IGAT XI pipeline of 1200 kilometers to fulfill the natural gas demand of its provinces, such as Bushehr, Fars, Yazd, and Isfahan. The project owned by National Iranian Gas Co. is likely to be completed by 2027. Such developments are likely to help the oil and gas pipeline market grow in the forecast period.
* The development of new natural gas sources, such as shale gas deposits, and the resulting price pressure are increasing the international trade of natural gas. Hence, these developments are expected to increase the demand for pipeline network expansion during the forecast period.
* The energy consumption in Asia-Pacific is expected to increase by up to 48% by 2050. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), China is expected to contribute 30% of the world's energy increase until 2025. Crude oil and natural gas consumption has witnessed significant growth in the region in recent years, mainly due to increasing demand from emerging economies like India and China.
* As of January 2024, Santos - Australia's oil & gas major, decided to commence the construction of a gas pipeline project worth about USD 4.3 billion that would connect the Barossa gas field to a processing plant in the northern Australian city of Darwin. The project will likely increase natural gas availability in Australia in the future.
* India is also modifying its gas pipeline infrastructure to meet the growing demand. The nation aims to increase the natural gas share to 15% in the energy basket. It expects USD 66 billion investment in building the gas infrastructure, including onshore gas pipeline, CGD, and LNG regasification terminals by 2030. Moreover, in December 2020, the Indian government announced a USD 60 billion investment for creating gas pipeline infrastructure, primarily onshore, which covers expanding Compressed Natural Gas pipeline networks (CGD) in 232 geographical areas across the country by 2024.
* Oil consumption in the Asia-Pacific has witnessed an increasing trend in recent years. As per the Statistical Review of World Energy, oil consumption stood at 1615 million tonnes in 2022, an increase of 0.5 % from the previous year. It is likely to grow more in the forecast period.
* Therefore, significant factors like the increasing demand for crude oil and natural gas and new pipeline infrastructure in the Asia-Pacific are expected to drive growth in the global onshore oil and gas pipeline market.
The onshore oil and gas pipeline market is fragmented. Some of the key players in this market include (in no particular order) Tenaris SA, Essar Group, Jindal SAW Ltd, Europipe GmbH, and TMK Group.