

Bulk and Specialty Chemicals Competitive & Market Intelligence Subscription

出版日期: 年間契約型資訊服務 | 出版商: Global Market Insights Inc. | 英文


Global Market Insights Inc. 目前在航空航天與國防、汽車與運輸、散裝與特種化學品、電子與媒體、石油與天然氣與能源、食品與營養與動物飼料、醫療保健與醫療設備、暖通空調和我們有超過 2,000 個聯合研究資料庫,涵蓋建築、聚合物和先進材料、可持續發展和智能技術等行業。


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GIS 探索了散裝和特種化學品行業的創新發展,分析了該行業的近期變化和未來發展,以及以下細分市場的詳細趨勢:

  • 通用化學品
  • 可再生化學品
  • 精細化工
  • 平台化學品
  • 潤滑油/潤滑脂


商品化學品,也稱為大宗化學品,為滿足全球市場需求而大批量生產。商品化學品具有成本效益且易於獲得,使其市場規模具有優勢。它還將刺激建築、塑料和粘合劑等行業的需求,因為商品化學品被用作製造其他化學品的中間體。增加對技術開發的投資,使化學工業在生產力、效率和利潤方面受益,這將支持對商品化學品的市場需求。 GMI 提供對各種行業相關產品(乙酸、磷酸、碳酸鈉等)的詳細分析。它還跟蹤最新的技術進步和戰略發展,為大宗化學品行業提供有競爭力的基準,並著眼於主要參與者概況、行業範圍內的政府法規和主要市場驅動因素。


GMI 重點介紹了可再生化學品市場主要參與者採取的關鍵創新和戰略。它還探討了可再生化學品市場動態的最新發展和驅動因素,並對化學品行業進行了深入研究。


在精細化工行業,客戶對更可持續材料的需求以及最終用戶對高性能化學品(如產品製造商)的需求將推動全球創新。生物技術公司正在努力開發生物基化學品。這種化學品可用於改善可持續的運營條件並生產有助於進一步節省成本和提高效率的可持續材料。精細化工行業活躍於一些主要化學品(農藥、建築材料、表面活性劑/消毒劑、粘合劑/密封劑、紙張/紡織品、皮革化學品、個人護理/化妝品、電子化學品、藥物活性成分等)的成分等。 ) 一直是主要驅動力。

GMI 專注於精細化學品市場主要參與者採用的關鍵創新、可持續性和戰略。它還討論了精細化工市場動態的最新發展和驅動因素,COVID-19 對產品最終用途、原材料和行業價值鏈的影響,並提供了整個化工行業的深入研究,包括:.

  • 農藥:農業技術創新以提高產量和改善農藥在作物生產中的整體性能,一直是農藥行業擴張的主要驅動力。我來了。人口增長以及對提高農業產量的關注增加了對膳食纖維補充劑和食品的需求,推動了農用化學品市場的增長。 GMI 研究農藥行業的主要參與者,並提供有關每家公司概況的信息(產品組合、戰略舉措、主要參與者的 SWOT 分析)。
  • 建築化學品:城市化進程的加快和智慧城市的發展正在推動對建築化學品的需求,從而促進了該行業的增長。全球建築活動的支出,以及主要建築化工公司的產品發布以及工業、房地產和其他基礎設施等項目的成本,正在推動建築化工行業的增長。化學品的某些方面,例如強度、耐候性和耐久性,正在推動建築化工行業的發展。專注於新產品和高質量產品、產品組合和新產品發布的市場參與者正在擴大建築化學品領域,並對整個建築化學品市場產生積極影響。
  • 表面活性劑/殺菌劑:考慮到對感染控制的需求不斷增加,以控制醫院感染的發生以及表面消毒劑在醫療保健、醫院和食品和飲料等各種應用中的使用嚴格的監管實施正在推動表面活性劑和殺菌劑市場的增長。在 COVID-19 爆發期間,越來越多地使用高效表面消毒劑正在推動市場增長。政府對保持環境清潔的支持不斷增加,也加速了最終用戶對錶面活性劑和消毒劑的消費。 GMI 對全行業可用的各種產品進行了深入分析,包括生物表面活性劑、有機矽表面活性劑、油田表面活性劑、酒精基消毒劑和次氯酸鹽漂白劑。此外,伴隨市場參與者推出產品的技術創新,使整個行業能夠接觸到更廣泛的消費者。
  • 粘合劑和密封劑:粘合劑和密封劑在各種最終用途(包裝、耐用消費品、壓敏膠帶、生產線組裝、家具、鞋類等)中的使用越來越多,對粘合劑和密封劑的需求。公司正專注於開發更好、更具創新性的產品,具有更高的粘合和粘合能力,以提高其在市場上的競爭力。人口增長、生活水平提高和擁有房屋的願望導致全球建築活動顯著增加,從而推動了對密封劑的需求。 GMI 涵蓋範圍廣泛的粘合劑和密封劑,包括地板粘合劑、航空航天內部粘合劑和有機矽密封劑。
  • 造紙和紡織化學品:紡織行業的創新解決方案可滿足客戶對時尚和風格的期望,正在推動紡織化學品市場的發展。紡織化學品應用於各種處理,如層壓、塗層、整理、織物預處理和防水,這推動了市場需求。此外,食品行業對紙製品(包裝紙、杯子、行李箱等)的需求不斷增加以及雜誌和報紙中紙張使用量的增加對紙化學品市場產生了重大影響,並對市場產生了積極影響成長... GMI 分析精細化學品行業的主要參與者,並提供有關造紙和紡織化學品行業公司概況的信息(產品分類、戰略舉措、主要參與者的 SWOT 分析)。
  • 皮革化學品:不斷變化的流行趨勢和無數反映流行趨勢的皮革圖案(質地、手感、配色方案、整體外觀等)已成為推動此外,皮革製品的進步和發展以及服裝市場格局(如毛邊大衣)的影響正在推動皮革化學品市場的擴大。消費者對時尚趨勢的快速採用和轉變以及越來越多的時尚意識消費者正在推動皮革化學品的增長。 GMI 研究活躍在精細化學品行業的主要參與者,並提供皮革化學品行業主要參與者的概況信息:產品範圍、戰略舉措、主要參與者的 SWOT 分析。
  • 個人護理產品和化妝品:個人對身體美的認識不斷提高,對化妝品的需求增加,這推動了個人護理產品和化妝品化學品市場的增長。近年來,生活方式的改變和化妝品使用量的增加正在推動化妝品市場的增長。新產品的推出和創新戰略促進了化妝品銷售,增加了對化妝品的需求,並促進了個人護理和化妝品化學品行業的擴張。消費者對定制化妝品的需求不斷增長,推動了對個人護理產品和化妝品化學品的需求,這些產品可根據個人皮膚要求和偏好用於不同的化妝品。 GMI 對各行各業的各種產品進行深入分析,包括化妝品防腐劑、化妝品顏料、有機化妝品成分和個人護理成分。創新和產品發布使整個行業能夠接觸到更廣泛的消費者。
  • 電子化學品:隨著技術領域的快速變化和進步,技術發展迅速,這推動了對電子化學品的需求。由於不斷變化的需求和技術發展,對智能設備和家用電器的高需求正在推動電子化學品市場的擴張。太陽能和可再生能源等更環保選擇的增長趨勢正在推動電子化學品行業的發展。電子產品在培訓、教育、娛樂和營銷方面的巨大潛力正在進一步推動對電子化學品的需求。 GMI 對跨行業可用的各種產品進行深入分析,例如電子清潔溶劑。
  • 活性藥物成分 (API):除了新藥開發外,製藥市場的研究公司正在加緊研發以進行早期檢測/預防和非藥物干預。這推動了API產業的擴張。 API 的精細化學品部門專注於為預防性治療、活性成分和診斷提供創新解決方案,這些解決方案正在推動 API 行業的發展。對具有有效性和可用性的醫藥精細化學品的高需求,以及對低成本治療劑的需求不斷增長,也推動了製藥行業的擴張。 GMI 檢查精細化學品行業的主要參與者,並提供深入的公司簡介,重點關注公司在 API 行業的產品分類、戰略舉措和 SWOT 分析。


快速發展的化學工業和不斷變化的消費者需求將為作為許多增值產品基礎的平台化學品提供更多可能性。對開發能夠提供更高效率和更低成本的有效化學品的日益關注推動了市場對平台化學品的需求。 GMI 提供了對跨行業可用的各種產品的廣泛洞察,例如天冬氨酸和衣康酸。它還分析了平台化學品市場動態的最新趨勢和驅動因素,重點關注平台化學品市場主要參與者所採取的關鍵創新和發展。


在各個行業,都在推進自動化以提高生產能力和產品質量,從而鼓勵使用潤滑劑和潤滑脂。潤滑劑和潤滑脂用於限制運動部件的劣化和發熱,延長機械壽命,支持市場需求。公司還在降低維護和更換昂貴機械和設備的成本,這將擴大潤滑油和潤滑脂的使用範圍,尤其是在機器密集型行業。 GMI 對行業中可用的各種產品(船用潤滑油、林業潤滑油、合成潤滑油、航空潤滑油等)以及全行業的增長動力和技術進步進行了深入分析。我在這裡。


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Bulk and Specialty Chemicals:

The global bulk & specialty chemicals industry has been witnessing significant growth owing to the increasing inclination toward sustainability to reduce toxic emissions along with the increasing demand for chemicals in the production of apparel, home furnishing, technical textiles, and floor coverings.

Global Market Insights focuses on innovation and sustainability taking place in the bulk & specialty chemicals industry. It also tracks the changes & technological developments in the industry and covers market information regarding the following segments:

  • Commodity Chemicals
  • Renewable Chemicals
  • Fine Chemicals
  • Platform Chemicals
  • Lubricant & Greases

Commodity Chemicals

Commodity chemicals, also referred to as bulk chemicals, are manufactured on a large scale to fulfill global market demands. The cost-effectiveness and easy availability of commodity chemicals will favor its market size. Also, the use of commodity chemicals as intermediates in the manufacturing of other chemicals will drive its demand in industries such as construction, plastics, and adhesives. Increasing investments in developing technologies that can benefit the chemical industry in terms of productivity, effectivity & profits will support the market demand for commodity chemicals. Global Market Insights offers a deep analysis of various products related to the industry including acetic acid, phosphoric acid, and sodium carbonate. The company also tracks the latest technological advancements and strategic developments to deliver a competitive benchmarking for the commodity chemicals industry along with providing insights on key industry players, government regulations across the industry, and major market drivers.

Renewable Chemicals: The renewable chemicals industry is undergoing major technological advancements and accelerating the shift from a waste-oriented to a resource-oriented economy across the globe. Increasing attention toward a positive environmental footprint has led to chemical recycling, which reduces landfill and the leakage of toxic chemicals into the environment. The renewable chemicals industry has been significantly driven by major chemicals including renewable methanol and bio-renewable chemicals.

Global Market Insights (GMI) focuses on the key innovations & strategies undertaken by major players operating in the renewable chemicals market. The company also offers insights into the current trends and drivers associated with the renewable chemicals market dynamics, further providing an in-depth study on the chemicals industry.

Fine Chemicals

The fine chemicals industry will witness innovations across the globe driven by end-users such as product manufacturers demand for high-performing chemicals along with customer demand for more sustainable materials. Biotechnology companies are working on the development of bio-based chemicals, which can be used to produce sustainable materials with improved sustainable operations, contributing to higher cost savings and higher efficiency. The fine chemicals industry has been significantly driven by some major chemicals including agrochemicals, construction materials, surfactants & disinfectants, adhesives & sealants, paper & textile chemicals, leather chemicals, personal care & cosmetics, electronic chemicals, and active pharmaceutical ingredients.

Global Market Insights (GMI) focuses on the key innovations & sustainability and strategies adopted by the major players operating in the fine chemicals market. The company also offers insights into the current trends and drivers associated with the fine chemicals market dynamics, COVID-19 impacts based on end uses of the product, raw materials, and industry value chain, further providing an in-depth study across the following chemicals industry.

  • Agrochemicals: Technological innovations in the agricultural sector to improve the agricultural yield and the overall performance of agrochemicals in crop production have been major drivers boosting the agrochemicals industry expansion. The growing population will boost the demand for fiber supplements & food along with focus towards increasing the agricultural yields will drive the agrochemicals market growth. Global Market Insights studies the key competitors operating across the agrochemicals industry and provides a detailed company profile focusing on product assortment, strategic initiatives, and SWOT analysis of the players in the agrochemicals industry.
  • Construction chemicals: Growing urbanization and smart city developments are driving the demand for construction chemicals, contributing to the construction chemicals industry expansion. Product launches by key construction chemical companies and global spending on construction activities along with expenses in projects such as industrial, real estate, and other infrastructure are driving the construction chemicals industry growth. Certain aspects of chemicals including strength, resistance to undesirable weather, and durability are driving the construction chemicals industry growth. Market players focusing on new & quality products, product portfolios, and new product launches are expanding the construction chemical sector, leading to positive impact on the overall construction chemicals market.
  • Surfactants & Disinfectants: The rising demand for infection control measures to manage the occurrence of hospital-acquired infections and the implementation of stringent regulations on the use of surface disinfectants across various applications, such as healthcare, hospitality, and food & beverage, have driven the surfactants & disinfectants market growth. The growing use of highly effective surface disinfectants amidst the COVID-19 pandemic has boosted market growth. Extended government support to keep the environment clean has also accelerated the consumption of surfactants & disinfectants across end users. Global Market Insights provides an in-depth analysis of various products available across the industry including biosurfactants, silicone surfactants, oilfield surfactants, alcohol-based disinfectants, and hypochlorite bleaches. Innovations along with product launches by market players have enabled the overall industry to reach a wider spectrum of consumers.
  • Adhesives & Sealants: The increasing applications of adhesives and sealants in different end-use applications including packaging, consumer durables, pressure-sensitive tapes, assemblies on a production line, furniture, and footwear are increasing the demand for adhesives & sealants. Companies are focusing on developing better & innovative products with higher adhesion and bonding capacity to create a competitive edge in the market. The rapidly growing population, rising standards of living, and the desire to own a house have resulted in a substantial rise in construction activities globally, driving the demand for sealants. Global Market Insights covers a wide spectrum of adhesives & sealants including floor adhesives, aerospace interior adhesives, and silicone sealants.
  • Paper & textile chemicals: Innovative solutions in the textile industry to meet customer expectations for fashion and style is driving the textile chemicals market. Textile chemicals find applications in various treatments, such as laminating, coating, finishing, fabric pre-treatment, and water repellence, driving the textile chemicals market demand. The increasing demand for paper products, such as wraps, cups, and baggage, in the food industry along with the growing utilization of paper in magazines and newspaper has highly influenced the paper chemicals market, positively impacting the market growth. Global Market Insights studies the key competitors operating across the fine chemicals industry and provides detailed company profiles focusing on the product assortment, strategic initiatives & SWOT analysis of the players in the paper & textile chemicals industry.
  • Leather chemicals: Changing fashion trends along with numerous leather patterns, which represent fashion trends in terms of texture, feel, color & overall appearance, are driving the leather chemicals industry. Advancements and developments in leather products along with leather influencing clothing market patterns, such as bordered coats & others, are driving the leather chemicals market expansion. The rapid adoption of the changing fashion trends among consumers along with the increasing number of fashion-conscious consumers is driving the leather chemicals industry. Global Market Insights studies the key competitors operating across the fine chemicals industry and provides detailed company profiles focusing on the product assortment, strategic initiatives & SWOT analysis of the players in the leather chemicals industry.
  • Personal care & cosmetics: The growing demand for cosmetic products owing to the increasing individual consciousness toward external beauty has driven the personal care and cosmetics chemicals market growth. Lifestyle changes and a rise in cosmetic use have led to the cosmetic market growth over the last few years. New product launches and innovative strategies have increased the sales of cosmetic products, boosted the global cosmetics demand and contributed to the personal care & cosmetic chemicals industry expansion. The increasing consumer demand for customized cosmetic products has driven the demand for personal care & cosmetics chemicals for use in different cosmetics, according to individual skin requirements and preferences. Global Market Insights provides an in-depth analysis of the various products available across the industry including cosmetic preservatives, cosmetic pigments, organic cosmetics ingredients, and personal care ingredients. Innovations and product launches have enabled the overall industry to reach a wider spectrum of consumers.
  • Electronic chemicals: Evolving technology at a rapid pace along with fast change & progress in the technological sector is driving the demand for electronic chemicals. The high demand for smarter devices and appliances, according to changing needs and technological developments, has driven the electronic chemicals market expansion. Increasing inclination toward greener choices, such as solar and renewable energy, is driving the electronic chemicals sector. The significant potential of electronics in training, education, entertainment, and marketing has further driven the demand for electronic chemicals. Global Market Insights provides an in-depth analysis of the various products available across the industry including electronic cleaning solvents. GMI studies the key competitors operating across the fine chemicals industry and provides a detailed company profile focusing on the product assortment, strategic initiatives & SWOT analysis of the players in the electronic chemicals industry.
  • Active pharmaceutical ingredients: Pharmaceutical market research companies are strengthening their research & development efforts for early detection, prevention, and non-pharmacological interventions in addition to new drug developments, driving the active pharmaceutical ingredients industry expansion. The fine chemicals sector from active pharmaceutical ingredients is focusing on providing innovative solutions for preventive treatments, active ingredients & diagnostics, thus driving the active pharmaceutical industry expansion. The increasing demand for low-cost therapeutics along with the high demand for pharmaceutical fine chemicals with efficacy & availability is also driving the active pharmaceutical industry expansion. Global Market Insights studies the key competitors operating across the fine chemicals industry and provides a detailed company profile focusing on the product assortment, strategic initiatives & SWOT analysis of the players in the active pharmaceutical ingredients industry.

Platform Chemicals

The rapidly evolving chemical industry along with the continuously changing consumer demands will create further scope for platform chemicals to serve as a substrate for numerous value-added products. The increasing inclination toward developing effective chemicals that offer higher efficiency with reduced cost will propel the market demand for platform chemicals. Global Market Insights offers extensive insights into various products available across the industry such as aspartic acid and itaconic acid. The company also focuses on the major innovations & developments undertaken by the key players operating in the platform chemicals market and offers deep insights into the current trends & drivers associated with the platform chemicals market dynamics.

Lubricants & Greases

Growing automation in various industries for enhancing the production capacity and the high quality of products will favor the use of lubricants & greases. The use of lubricants and greases to ensure the long life of machines by limiting the deterioration of moving parts and heat generation will support their market demand. Also, companies are reducing their expenditure on maintenance and replacement of costly machines & equipment and this factor will widen the scope of lubricant and grease usage, especially in industries that are machine-intensive. Global Market Insights provides a thorough analysis of various products available across the industry including marine lubricants, forestry lubricants, synthetic lubricants, and aerospace lubricants along with growth drivers & technological advancements across the industry.