

Food, Nutrition and Animal Feed Competitive & Market Intelligence Subscription

出版日期: 年間契約型資訊服務 | 出版商: Global Market Insights Inc. | 英文


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GMI 探討了食品、營養和動物飼料行業的創新發展,分析了該行業的近期變化和未來發展,以及以下細分市場的詳細趨勢:.

  • 營養補充劑和功能性食品
  • 動物飼料
  • 植物性替代產品
  • 蛋白質
  • 食品和飲料添加劑

營養保健品和功能性食品:消費者飲食習慣和消費模式的變化正在推動對營養保健品和功能性食品的需求。由於壓力增加和對健康的負面影響,消費者對自己的飲食習慣變得更加謹慎。由於這些因素,對營養和健康食品的需求正在增加。消費者不僅越來越關注口味,還越來越關注某些類型食品所提供的營養價值,因此未來幾年營養保健品和功能性食品的範圍可能會擴大。 .此外,消費膳食補充劑的增長趨勢也將為該行業提供更多機會。 GMI 提供對該領域各種產品的分析,包括益生菌、益生元和食品抗氧化劑。它還審查了行業內發生的各種戰略舉措、關鍵驅動因素、業務發展活動和新產品發布。

動物飼料:提供適當、優質的動物飼料,因為它在動物健康和福利中的作用會影響從動物身上獲得的最終產品的質量。農民的意識越來越強的重要性這種意識支撐了動物飼料的市場需求。此外,對動物蛋白的需求增加導致牲畜產量增加。對動物飼料的需求被認為處於上升軌道,以最大限度地提高動物食品的安全性並將健康危害從動物食品轉移到消費者的風險最小化。 GMI 開展的市場研究涵蓋範圍廣泛的動物飼料產品,包括用於動物飼料的有機微量礦物質、用於動物飼料的添加劑和用於動物飼料的□。此外,我們對整個行業的主要參與者進行深入研究,提供動物飼料行業參與者的概況、戰略舉措、產品分類和 SWOT 分析。

基於植物的替代品:消費者對天然和有機成分的偏好不斷增長,預計將推動基於植物的替代品市場。為了防止化學品對健康造成不良影響,消費者越來越多地轉向植物性替代品以滿足他們的營養需求而沒有副作用。此外,食品和飲料公司正在積極投資研發 (R&D),以增加植物性產品的產量,以應對自 COVID-19 以來對有機和無化學食品日益增長的興趣。此外,在動物飼料中添加植物性成分將提高其價格,從而支持動物飼料行業的需求。 GMI從不同的角度分析行業(包括植物性成分、植物性飲用水、植物性飲料和植物性肉類)。它還調查了所有活躍在該行業的公司,包括他們採用的各種戰略、潛在的增長動力和限制、監管環境以及詳細的行業趨勢。

蛋白質:消費者將蛋白質視為一種能量營養素,並增加了他們對蛋白質類食物的偏好。此外,突如其來的 COVID-19 大流行已將消費者的注意力轉移到健康和營養上。因此,植物和動物蛋白市場可能會在不久的將來擴大其範圍。此外,參賽者正在努力整合新的蛋白質來源和先進的加工技術,以在包括零食、飲料和烘焙產品在內的一系列食品中提供更健康、更美味的蛋白質。這樣的努力吸引了很多消費者。這些創新和不斷增長的消費者營養需求將加速對蛋白質的需求。 GMI 提供對各個行業的廣泛產品(蛋白質成分、蛋白質棒、蛋白質粉、杏仁蛋白等)的分析,以及詳細的行業趨勢、創新和可持續性以及每家公司的採用情況。我們將編譯和傳遞業務發展戰略等信息。

食品和飲料添加劑:越來越多地使用添加劑來改善食品安全、新鮮度、質地、外觀和味道,這正在推動市場需求。將讓食品添加劑對於確保大規模生產期間的安全性和保質期非常重要,這就是製造商積極使用食品和飲料添加劑的原因。在食品和飲料行業,對添加劑的需求不斷增長,以使食品對客戶更具吸引力。公司正在尋求通過在香料和甜味劑等添加劑的幫助下開發創新產品來獲得競爭優勢,這正在支持食品和飲料添加劑市場的增長。 GMI 研究行業主要參與者採用的創新和戰略信息,以及對最新市場趨勢和主要增長動力的深入分析。它還涵蓋了該行業的其他方面,例如食品和飲料顏色固定劑、食品香精和調味料、食品□和食品著色劑。


Global Market Insights Inc. currently has a repository of more than 2,000 syndicated reports covering a diverse range of industries like Aerospace and Defense, Automotive and Transportation, Bulk and Specialty Chemicals, Electronics and Media, Oil, Gas, and Energy, Food, Nutrition, and Animal Feed, Healthcare and Medical Devices, HVAC and Construction, Polymers and Advanced Materials, and Sustainable and Smart Technologies.


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Food, Nutrition and Animal Feed

The increasing concerns toward health and wellness are driving the attention of consumers toward food & nutrition that offers vital nutrients needed for the proper functioning of the body. This growing consumer awareness is enabling companies in the food & beverage industry to understand the needs and preferences of the consumers. The growing consumer consciousness in terms of their eating habits and increasing inclination toward healthy food will drive the food and nutrition market demand. Moreover, the market is also witnessing growing animal health concerns owing to the increased consumption of meat products.

Global Market Insights focuses on innovative developments taking place in the food, nutrition & animal feed industries. It also tracks the changes & evolutions in the industry and covers market information regarding the following segments:

  • Nutraceuticals & Functional Food
  • Animal Feed
  • Plant-based Alternatives
  • Proteins
  • Food & Beverage Additives

Nutraceuticals & Functional Food: The modified eating habits and consumption patterns of consumers will drive the demand for nutraceuticals and functional foods. Increasing stress and their negative health impacts are making consumers more cautious about their dietary habits. Owing to these factors, the demand for nutrition & health-promoting foods is increasing. Along with the taste, consumers are now paying attention to the nutritional value offered by a particular type of food and hence the scope for nutraceuticals & functional food is likely to widen in the coming years. Furthermore, the increasing trend toward the intake of dietary and nutritional supplements will also create more opportunities for the segment. Global Market Insights provides insights into various products in the sector such as probiotics, prebiotics, and food antioxidants. GMI also covers various strategic initiatives, major driving factors, business development activities, and new product launches that are taking place in the industry.

Animal Feed: The role of animal feed in the health and welfare of animals will ultimately affect the quality of products obtained from animals, thus creating awareness among farmers about the importance of providing adequate & high-quality animal feeds. This awareness will support the market demand for animal feed. The growing demand for animal-based protein will intensify livestock production. To ensure the utmost safety of animal-based food products and minimize the risk of transfer of health hazards from animal-based food products to consumers, the demand for animal feed is likely to witness an upward trajectory. Global Market Insights covers market studies for a wide spectrum of animal feed products including animal feed organic trace minerals, animal feed additives, and animal feed enzymes. It further provides details about the key competitors operating across the industry and provides detailed company profiles focusing on the overview, strategic initiatives, product assortment & SWOT analysis of the players in the animal feed industry.

Plant-based Alternatives: The growing tendency of consumers toward natural & organic ingredients will drive the market for plant-based alternatives. To prevent the unnecessary impacts of chemicals on human health, consumers are increasingly inclining toward plant-based alternatives for fulfilling their nutritional needs without any side effects. Also, the increased inclination toward organic and chemical-free products post-COVID-19 will encourage the food & beverage industry players to invest in research and development for producing more plant-based products. Also, the incorporation of plant-based ingredients into animal feed increases its affordability, in turn, supporting its demand in the animal feed industry. Global Market Insights covers other various aspects of the industry including plant-based ingredients, plant-based waters, plant-based beverages, and plant-based meat. GMI covers all the key players operating in this industry and the strategies adopted by them, i.e., potential growth drivers & restraints, regulatory landscape, and further in-depth analysis of the industry.

Proteins: The perspective of consumers toward protein as a power nutrient has increased their inclination toward protein-based food products. Also, the sudden eruption of the COVID-19 pandemic has shifted consumer focus toward health & nutrition; thus, the market for plant-based & animal-based proteins is likely to have a huge scope in the near future. Furthermore, the efforts of industry players to incorporate new protein sources and advanced processing technologies to offer proteins through various food types, such as snacks, beverages & bakery goods, i.e., make them both healthy & tasty, will attract more consumers. Such innovative methods and growing consumer nutritional needs will accelerate the demand for proteins. Global Market Insights provides an extensive analysis of the products available across the industry including protein ingredients, protein bars, protein powder, and almond proteins. The company further gives insights into the industry segmentation, innovation & sustainability, and business development strategies undertaken by major industry players.

Food & Beverage Additives: The increasing use of additives for enhancing the safety, freshness, texture, appearance & taste of the food products will accelerate its market demand. The importance of food additives to ensure safety and preservation during large-scale production will encourage manufacturers to use food and beverage additives. For making the food more appealing to the customers, The need for additives is growing in the food & beverage industry as they make food more appealing to the customers, impart taste to the food, and enhance its nutritional value. Companies are trying to gain a competitive advantage by developing innovative products with the help of additives such as flavoring agents & sweeteners, supporting the market growth of food & beverage additives. Global Market Insights provides information about the innovations & strategies adopted by the major players operating in the industry and offers details about the current trends & growth drivers associated with the market dynamics. It also covers other aspects of the industry including food & beverage color fixing agents, food flavors & enhancers, food enzymes, and food colorants.